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finally at last

"AHH OH MY GOSH IM GOING TO BE LATE FOR MY BUS," i screamed like i've seen a ghost.

come on moon aera move your non-existent ass and hurry up. after the 5 minutes of hassle i finally reached the bus stop just in time. i quickly sat down holding my chest trying to catch up with my breath. what a great way to start the day..

"aera come lets go to our first class together," i hear jae say from a distance. i smile as she grabbed my hand heading to our first period.

later after class.

"yahhh ouch i hate history so boring," jae yawned stretching her whole body.

"yep i get it you hate history for the tenth time already let's go i know your starving," i said.


as i was packing up my lunch finishing eating, i looked at my phone to see we still had quite a lot of time left. so i decided to walk outside with jae. but when i looked up she was gone. wow this girl always ditching me.

ting. i received a text from her saying..

jae: sorry i had to leave! school stuff see you later mwah

me: yeah have fun..

guess i'm by myself again. oh well.

putting away my my thoughts i look up to find the tree that i first saw when i first came here. it became fall and all the leaves and flowers were falling. even though they fall the tree still looked so pretty.

i walked up the tall hill to the tree only find a view of the skyline of the other side of the city far far away. wow oh wow. i couldn't believe my eyes. i guess i should come here more often.

a little pink flower all secluded caught my attention on one of the lowest branches. it was the only flower left on the tree. it really reminded me of myself. all alone. i sighed.

i stood on my tippy toes to reach and grab the flower. but i found another had on top of mine also trying to reach for it. i gasped and stood back only to find him.

no way i can't believe my eyes it was that guy i saw at flora's cafe. the boy with soft hair who looked so beautiful and delicate. the boy who was drawing intensely who still looked so pretty and cute at the same time.

wait what. i snapped out my million thoughts happening at once. we probably stared at each other for a whole straight minute. he went and reached for the small pink flower and handed it to me. i took it and stared at him all confused but he spoke up.

"i guess i wasn't the only one that saw the little pink flower on the tree. there you can have it you might have more use to it than i do," he said with a small shy smile.

"uhh thanks i guess," i replied looking at the ground.

"anyways i'm jungkook it's nice to meet someone like you," he said with the biggest bunny smile.

me wait what. its nice to meet someone like me. what does he mean?

"i'm aera," i said trying to hide my smile.

"well aera i hope your doing well it's nice to meet you," jungkook said smiling while nodding his head and then walking away.

my heart was beating so fast. what just happened? whatever it means, at least finally at last i know his name which answers my first question. who is this mysterious boy that caught my attention?

well it's finally nice to meet you too jungkook.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now