The Christmas Invasion Pt1:

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Galaxy quickly grabbed onto the console of the Tardis while the Doctor randomly pushed the buttons and pulled the many leavers, where they were going she didn't know, what she did know however was that she was going to hit him for his recklessness. Suddenly, the Tardis stopped moving but because it was so sudden, Galaxy fell onto the ground.

"You OK?" Astro asked her as he came to stand above her and she stroked his head. "Just dandy." She told him as she sat up and she saw the Doctor move toward the doors. "Here we are then, London. Earth. The Solar System. We did it, Galaxy!" The Doctor called back to the console room after he opened the doors to the Tardis. "Next time I drive!" Galaxy called back as she stood up from the ground and she groaned when she saw him leave the Tardis.

Once the Doctor stepped out of the Tardis he soon realised Jackie and Mickey standing there since they had heard the sound of the Tardis and had come to see Rose. "Jackie. Mickey. Blimey! No, no, no, no, hold on. Wait there. I've got something to say. There was something I had to tell you, something important. What was it? No, hold on, hold on. Hold on, shush, shush, shush, shush. Oh, I know!" The Doctor said before he beamed, "Merry Christmas!"

Sensing the Doctor collapsing, Galaxy rushed out the Tardis and grabbed hold of him in time before she gently placed him down on the ground. "What happened? Is he all right?" Rose asked as she and Astro came out of the Tardis and they saw the Doctor asleep in Galaxy's arms. "Yeah, he just needs rest." Galaxy assured her. "But who is he? Where's the Doctor? And where's Galaxy?" Mickey asked, not realising the blonde and purple woman was in fact Galaxy. "That's them, right in front of you. That's the Doctor and Galaxy." Rose pointed to the as Astro went to Galaxy's side when he saw her coughing.

"Galaxy, you need to rest yourself." He said with a worried tone as a puff some the Tardis' energy, that was still inside her, escaped her mouth before disappearing. "I'll be fine, Astro." She assured him smiling. "What do you mean, that's the Doctor?" The two looked over to Jackie, "Doctor who?"


Galaxy sat on the edge of the bed the Doctor was resting in while wearing a set of pyjamas while Astro was laying on the end of the bed and Rose was standing next to her. "Here we go. Tina the cleaner's got this lodger, a medical student, and she was fast asleep, so I just took it." Jackie said as she handed Galaxy a stethoscope to which she took, "Though I still say we should take him to hospital."

"We can't. They'd lock him up. They'd dissect him." Rose told her. "Just a bottle of his blood could change the future of the human race." Astro explained to the two as Galaxy checked the Doctor's hearts, "Both are still working, good." She sighed in relief, she was worried a bit, she had seen the different outcomes of the Doctor regenerating, but it had never been as bad as this. Luckily for her, her regeneration was always easy for some reason, she would just get tired every now and then.

"What do you mean, both?" Jackie asked her as she frowned in confusion. "The Doctor and I have two hearts." Galaxy answered as she placed the stethoscope on the bedside table. "Oh, don't be stupid." Jackie scoffed not believing her. "We do Jackie, really." Galaxy told her smiling a bit. "What else do you have two of?" Jackie asked her. "Leave them alone," Rose said before Galaxy could and the two left them trio alone in the room.

"You'll be OK." Galaxy whispered to the Doctor as he exhaled the same Tardis energy that she did earlier and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Galaxy, what's wrong?" Astro asked her when he saw the look on her face. "It's my fault he regenerated." She said, not looking away from the Doctor and she placed her hand on top of his. "No it's-" Astro started as he lifted his head but Galaxy cut him off, "Astro, if I hadn't absorbed Blue's heart then he wouldn't have had to take it from me in the first place."

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