-Thomas Sangster- •Mario Kart•

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Your POV
I opened the door "Hey Y/N!" Dylan said as he walked in. Thomas invited all of his friends to play Mario Kart, to get their mind off all the stress from filming The Scorch Trials. Thomas greets his friends and leads them to the living room. Thomas walks towards me "Love, could you maybe get us some drinks? Maybe some snacks?" He asks "Why don't you get them yourself?" I chuckle "I have to make sure they don't destroy anything." He tells me. Before I could respond he kissed my cheek and went back to the living room. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I grab some glasses and fill them with water. I bring them to the guys in the living room. I bend down and put their glasses onto the table "Thomas, as much as we enjoy looking at your girlfriend's perfect body, could you please tell her to go back to the kitchen? She's blocking the view." Jacob says. They all chuckle "Love, could you maybe..." Thomas starts "Sure." I sigh and walk towards the kitchen. I can't believe Thomas send me away.

*Time Skip*

This day has been the worst day ever! Thomas made me his maid or something like that! How could he possibly treat me like that?! I never treat him like that when my friends are over! I groan as I look at them on the couch, they are still playing that stupid game! Well, the game isn't stupid... The people who are playing it are. They have been playing that game for a while now, I honestly thought they would be here for about an hour, not five hours! I walk into the living room "Tommy, don't you think it's time for them to go home?" I ask him sweetly. He looks up at me for a second before gluing his eyes back on the screen "Just a little longer, Love?" He says "Tommy, I'm tired." I tell him. His friends start to laugh a little bit "Something funny?" I ask them. Ki Hong looks at me "Just because you want to go to bed, doesn't mean he should too." He laughs and continues playing the game. Tommy didn't say anything, usually, he would tell them to fuck off. Not this time.

I sigh and sit down on the couch next to Thomas. Dylan who was next to him groaned as I pushed him aside. I grab Thomas's arms, hold them up, and lie my head on his chest. I heard him chuckle softly. He paused the game "Hey!!" The others said, "Shh, she's trying to sleep!" Thomas tells them. He pulls me on top of him "I'm sorry for being a dick, could you please forgive me?" He whispers "It's alright. Just know that the same treatment is coming your way when my friends are over." I tell him. He kisses me softly "I don't mind that." He says and puts a blanket over us "Sleep tight, Baby girl." He whispers.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now