-Rafe Sadler- •Flower•

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A/N: Again, I have not seen this. I made up a scenario. I hope you liked it! And sadly, my online classes start again tomorrow...BUT I will try to write as much as I can. That's a promise💜

Your POV
I stood in the garden of this huge palace. It was so peaceful and quiet. I walked towards the big three at the end of the path. That's where Rafe and I first met. It was a wonderful day. "Hello there." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw Rafe. I smiled at him "Hello, Rafe." I said. I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him "I'm glad you're back." I say. He smiled and kissed the top of my hand "So am I." He said, "But sadly I can't stay for very long, my love." He tells me. I look at him "What? Are you leaving again?" I asked him. He nodded sadly "Yes, sadly I have to. I will come back as soon as I can." He tells me. I crossed my arms over my chest "So...you came here to tell me you're back home and two seconds later you tell me you're leaving again? Rafe, when does it stop?" I asked him. He holds my hands tightly "Soon, My Love. This will be my last trip for a couple of months." He tells me.
I sigh "I guess I'll just have to miss you all over again." I say and turn away from him. He turned me around "I have a present for you, so you can remember me." He said. He handed me a beautiful white rose. I smiled at him "Rafe, you didn't have to do that." I tell him. He smiled at me "I did. It's so you can keep track of how long I will be gone. When that rose dies, I'll be back in your arms." He tells me. I look at him confused "But what if it's dead and you aren't back yet?" I asked him. Rafe stroked her cheek "Then I'm dead...it's a dangerous journey, but I will come back for you." He said. I started to panic but Rafe calmed me down "It's a promise. That flower has something magical, my love, you just have to believe." He tells me. I sighed "Alright. Be safe." I said and hugged him tightly. He kissed my cheek and walked off "I love you." He said. I waved him goodbye "I love you too!"

*Time Skip*

Third Person POV
Y/n missed Rafe. Time passed slowly. Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Almost all rose petals were wrapped around the vase. There was a petal that never let go. The young princess looks at the rose every day. That rose petal gave her hope. The hope that Rafe would return. Today was not very different. The young princess sat by the window looking outside. Through the reflection of the window, she could see the rose. Someone knocked on her door "Come in!" She said. She thought it was Rafe, but it was her maid. She sighs and turned away again "My lady, do you want me to remove the rose?" She asked. Y/n shook her head "No, Rafe isn't back yet." She tells her. She sighs "My lady, your father has ordered me to remove this rose. He thinks it's hideous. I'm sorry but those are my orders." She said. Y/n turned around "Please, I have to wait until the last petal falls off. He promised me he would come back." She tells her maid.
She nods and leaves the room. Y/n sighs and walks over to the rose "Why aren't you back yet?" She whispered. That's when the last petal dropped and fell next to the others. Y/n started to cry. Her crying was stopped by a knock on the door "I made a promise to you." Y/n looked up and saw Rafe. She wiped her tears away and hugged him tightly "You're here!" She said happily. Rafe kissed the top of her head "Yes, my love, and I am not leaving you again." He tells her.

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