-Thomas Sangster- •Nightmare•

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Warning: Some pretty dark stuff 

Your POV
--Your Dream--
My eyes slowly flutter open. My hands were tied above my head to a wall. I tried to move, but I couldn't. My body felt sore and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I blink a couple of times trying to get a better sight of my surroundings. There wasn't a lot to see, it was a dark room, the slightest bit of light came from a little lamp on a desk. I heard a low chuckle to my right "One, Two...Daddy's coming for you." The low voice said. I started to pull on the rope that was keeping my hands tied up. The dark figure slowly started to come closer "Three, four...better lock your door." He said. The rope burned against my skin as I tried to free myself. He chuckled again "Five, six...get your crucifix."  His footsteps were only getting louder. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, it hurts so much, but I have to free myself. I saw his hand on the wall "Seven, eight... better stay up late." He said slowly "Nine, ten..." he stopped. I tried to hide my tears. Suddenly his hand was wrapped around my throat "Never sleep again." He said. I stopped trying to free myself "Please...please don't do this." I beg him. His thumb slowly stroked my neck's skin "Tell me you're still my little girl." He whispered. I spit in his face "You're not my father!" I scream. He laughed and wiped my spit off his face "You can scream whatever you want, no one will hear you." He said. He holds my face in his hands "No one is coming to save you." He whispered. 

I  started to cry "You will pay for this! Thomas will find me!" I tell him. He laughs "Right, your little boyfriend." He said. Right when he finished his sentence a door opened and someone was thrown inside the room. He looks at me "Speak of the Devil." He said and walked towards the other person. I couldn't see them, it was too dark. I heard my stepfather chuckle again "Say hello to the one, the only," He said. A spotlight was turned on. My stepfather was holding Thomas by his hair "Thomas Brodie Sangster. Say hi." he said. Thomas' body was limp, his face was covered in blood "Thomas!!" I scream. My stepfather chuckled "Seems like he's too tired to respond, let's wake him up shall we?" He said. He got out a gun and pointed it at his head "Or, we can let him sleep forever." he said. I wanted to scream, but he pulled the trigger. There was blood everywhere and Thomas lied on the floor. He's dead. My stepfather got up and walked towards me "Let's play." He said.
--End of Dream--

Thomas POV
I stood outside having a cigarette. (Like the GIF ^^) A cold breeze brushed against my bare skin. It wasn't that cold. It was kinda nice. Suddenly I heard a scream coming from my apartment. The door of our neighbor opened "What was that?" He asked. I put my cigarette out "My girlfriend, I think." I told him and opened my front door. I heard him groan "Some people are trying to sleep ya know!" he said angrily. I close the door again, ignoring him, and running into our bedroom. Y/n was sitting up straight in our bed with her hands over her face. I heard soft sniffs "Baby?" I say softly. She removes her hands from her face "Baby, why are you crying?"  I ask her. She jumped up from the bed and ran towards me. I hold her tightly "Nightmare again?" I ask her. She nods slowly and cries into my bare chest. I stroked her hair "Everything's okay, I'm here." I whisper. I pick her up and lie down on our bed with Y/n on top of me. When she finally calmed down a little I sit up straight. She sits on my lap wiping her tears away "Did the neighbors complain again? I heard him yelling again." She asks. I smile "He did, but it wasn't your fault. If he complains again I'll tell him about his son." I tell her. She raises her eyebrow.

I chuckle "His son might have a little video of him and another woman." I tell her. She gasps "He has a video? And how do we know that?" She asks. I scratch the back of my neck "He might've shown me the video." I tell her. She smiles a little "Should we go back to sleep?" I ask her. She nods slowly and wraps her arms around me again "Don't leave me." "I won't leave, I promise." I tell her.

A/N: Anyone who noticed the Nightmare on Elm street quotes?😂 I honestly loved those movies, anyone else? Any other Horror Movie lovers out there? No? Alright. I hope you liked this chapter even though it was kinda dark.

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