-Thomas Sangster- •Great Dad!•

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Your POV
I sat in the kitchen feeding my two-year-old daughter. She giggled as she ate her food. My husband, Thomas, smiled down at her as he took a sip from his coffee. I heard loud footsteps coming from the stairs. My son, Peter, walked into the kitchen. Maggie glanced at him "Pee Pee." She giggled. He glared at her "Don't call me that." He said. Thomas chuckled "You love it when she calls you that." He said. Peter rolls his eyes "Whatever. Mom, can you sign this for me?" He asked. It was his math test, a D minus? "A D minus? How did that happen?" I asked him.
He shrugs "I don't know." He said. Maggie puts her hands in the air "Pee Pee." She whined.
He sighs and picks her up. She smiled and cuddled close to him. I look at my son "Peter, how did this happen?" I asked him. He sighs "I was out with some friends and I lost track of time. I forgot to study." He said and puts his sister back in her chair. I glare at him "Peter, that's the third time this week." I said. He sighs "I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" He said. Thomas sits down next to Maggie and sets her on his lap. I look at my son "You're right it won't. You're grounded." I tell him. His eyes widen "What?! Mom! That is so unfair!" He whined.
Thomas looks at him "I think it's quite fair. Your mother has been very flexible lately according to your grades. Trust me, if she hadn't talked me out of it you would've been grounded a long time ago." He said. Peter glares at us "Fuck you." He mumbled. Thomas and I glared at him "What did you just say?" Thomas asked him. Peter groans "You heard what I said." He says. Thomas sets Maggie back in her chair "Peter, can I have a little chat with you in the living room?" Thomas asked. Peter chuckled "Bye Dad!" He said and walked out of the door.
Thomas looked at me "I will have a talk with him when he gets back." He says. I nod "Alright. I'm going to bath Maggie." I tell him.

*Time Skip*

Thomas POV
I stood in the hallway next to Peter's door waiting for him to come home. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Peter's eyes met mine. He groans and walks into his room "Peter, we need to talk about what happened this morning." I said. Instead of replying he slams the door close in my face. I opened the door "Peter, don't try to walk away from the conversation!" I said. He sighs "Why not? You'll treat me like a child anyway! Little update, Dad, I'm sixteen!" Peter said. I cross my arms over my chest "It's very hard for me to treat you like an adult when you walk away from conversations like a little kid." I tell him. He sits down on his bed "I get it! Sorry, I said the F word. And sorry I said it in front of Maggie." He said.
I sit down next to him "It's alright. You're a teenager. To be honest, I was just like you when I was your age, even the swearing part. Just try to not do it too often. You can use that kind of language when you're talking to your friends. Alright?" I asked him. He nodded slowly "Yes, Dad." He said. I pat his back "Now about that D minus. You weren't out with your friends were you?" I asked him. He looks at me "How did you know?" He asked. I chuckled "I had the same look on my face when I was sneaking out at night and my parents found out." I admit.
He looked down at his lap "Were you with your girlfriend?" I asked him. He nodded "We didn't do anything! Just...cuddled." he said. I chuckle "Sure, Pete. You don't sneak out to cuddle." I smirked. He blushed "How could you know?" He asked. I chuckled "I was a teenager once too." I tell him. He chuckled "Did you sneak out to see mom?" He asked. I chuckle "Not just your mom. Her name was Stephanie and let's just say that we had some great movie nights together." I smirked. He smirked back at me "Go Dad!" He said.
I chuckled again "Don't tell mom though, she'll never stop asking questions." I tell him. He nods "Okay, I won't." He said. I pat his back "You're grounded for one week, alright?" He nods "Thanks, Dad."

That's when his door was pushed open "Pee Pee?" Maggie walked into his room, "Pee Pee angry?" She asked. I stood up and walked out "Be nice to her." I tell him. I watched from the doorway as Peter picks up his little sister and entertains her with his stuffed animals. I smiled as I looked at my children. Y/n joins me "They're so cute together." She said. I nodded "We did a really good job." I said. She nodded as well "Yeah we did. So...who's this Cassy he's talking about?" She asked. I sigh "His girlfriend. He didn't want you to know until they were dating for a while because he didn't want you to embarrass him in front of her." I tell her. She pouts "I don't know if I should be offended or not. But you're a great dad." She said. I smiled at her. She wrapped her arms around my torso "So...who's Stephanie?" She asked. Shit.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now