-Thomas Sangster- •Childish Drunk•

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Thomas POV
"I'm glad you two came." Dylan says "Of course, why wouldn't we?" I said. I stood in the kitchen with Dylan as the party continued in the living room. He glances behind me and starts to laugh. I frown "What are you laughing at?" I ask him. He points at something behind me. I turn around and see Y/n standing on one of the tables. She held a cup of alcohol in her hand. Dylan puts his hands on my shoulders "I like 'drunk Y/n'." he laughs. I sigh as I look at her and laugh quietly. Y/n is still very young and has recently started drinking. I always tell her "Not too much", but does she listen to that? She's very childish when she's drunk, not that I mind, she's adorable! Usually, she had some friends to look after her but today she was the only girl. If I had known that I wouldn't have brought her. It's not that she doesn't like my friends, they are just...older. That doesn't mean they're mature, absolutely not.

I walked towards the table "Y/n, Love, could you please come down from there?" I ask her. She giggles and takes another sip from her cup "Why don't you come up here?" She giggles. All of my friends gather around and watch her as she danced on the table. I look up at her "Y/n, baby, come here." I tell her. She giggles and takes another sip. The guys started to cheer a little as she started to dance a little sexier. I glare at them "Don't even think about it." I tell them. Some of them groan but none of them removed their eyes from her. She kept taking sips and dancing until she trips over her own feet. I catch her and hold her tightly "Alright, that's enough." I tell her. She pouts "Why?" She whines "Baby, you just tripped over your own feet." I laugh. She giggles "I was flying! Like a fairy!" She giggles "I want to fly again! Maybe I should fly to Neverland." She giggles. I brush some hair out of her face "Time for you to fly off to dreamland." I tell her. She tries to take another sip of her drink, but I grabbed the cup out of her hand "No more alcohol for you, baby." I tell her.

I walk into the kitchen. Y/n's arms and legs were wrapped around me tightly. I walk towards Dylan "Dyl, it was a lot of fun catching up with you, but it's bedtime for this little girl." I tell him. He smiles "Of course, I'll see you soon, Buddy." He says. I grab our jackets and walk to my car. I lie her down on the backseat and put our jackets underneath her head as a pillow. I walked to the driver's seat and started the car "Tommy?" I heard a sleepy voice say. I glance over my shoulder "Yes, baby?" "I'm cold." She says. I chuckle softly and take off my sweater. She puts it on and lies back down.

*Time Skip*

When we arrived at my house Y/n was fast asleep. I picked her up again and brought her inside. I pulled my sweater off her body and took off her dress. I pull an over-sized shirt over her head and put the blankets over her body. I kissed her forehead "Sweet dreams, Baby." I whisper. She grabbed my hand before I could walk away "Don't leave me alone." She says. I smile "You have to go to sleep, Baby." I tell her. She sits up straight and points at my closet "Monsters in the closet." She says quietly. I chuckle softly and put on a T-shirt and some sweatpants. I lie down next to her on the bed. She wraps her arms around me tightly and drifts off into a peaceful sleep. She's adorable when she's drunk.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now