-Casey- •My sister?•

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A/n: I have not seen this movie. I read something online about this movie so I just wrote something. I tried. I do know that they are looking for Casey's dad but I decided to change that. And I think Casey's older brother's name is 'H' or something like that and I think the Baby was called 'Sammy'. I don't know. I can't watch this movie, so if someone could tell me some details about it that would be very much appreciated. And there will be a part 2!

Your POV
"Dad! Do you want some pancakes?" I called. "Yes, please!" My father answered from the living room. I smiled and started to make pancakes for breakfast. I hummed a little tune as I stood in the kitchen "Do you want coffee as well?" I asked. My father walked into the kitchen "I can make the coffee myself, pumpkin." He said and made himself a cup of coffee. I flipped the pancakes a couple of times and put them on the plates. I hand my father his plate "Thank you, pumpkin." He said and kissed the top of my head and ate his breakfast. I was about to start myself but the doorbell rang. I smiled at my father "I'll get it." I say and rush to the front door. When I opened it, two boys were standing in front of me with a baby in their arms. I smiled at them "Hello, can I help you with something?" I asked them. The one who was holding the baby cleared his throat "We're looking for our father. He lives here right?" He asked. I shook my head "I think you have the wrong house, I don't have any siblings." I tell them. I point at the house of our neighbors "Maybe that's the house you're looking for." I tell them sweetly. "Y/n, who is that?" My father asked from the kitchen "Some boys who are looking for their father." I said. My father joined me at the door. Their eyes opened up a little "Dad?" The older boy said. I glare at my father "Dad, what are they talking about?" I asked him.
My father pushes me behind him "Why aren't you boys at your mother! I told her-" "She's dead." The one holding the baby said. My father let the boys inside "Uh Y/n, this is Casey, H, and little Sammy. They are your brothers." He said. I shook my head "No they're not, you always told me I was an only child, that I didn't have any siblings." I said. My father sighs "They are. I know, I should've told you, but we had such a wonderful life together. When I divorced their mother I let her keep the boys because I thought it was the right thing to do. Then I got you...and I wanted another one. That's why Sammy's here. Y/n you have to believe me." he said. I folded my arms over my chest "I believe you, I'm just wondering why you've never told me this before." I told him.

Casey looked up at my father "So...she's our sister?" He asked. My father nodded "Half-sister." He corrected. Little Sammy looked at me and giggled "Aww I think he likes you already." Casey said. I stepped forward "Can I hold him?" I asked him. He nodded and handed me the little boy. I smiled and tickled the baby "He's adorable!" I said and kissed his forehead. Casey smiled at me "He hasn't had that in a long time." He said. My father cleared his throat "Why did you call? You could've told me you were coming." He said. H glared at Casey "He wanted to surprise you." He said. Casey smiled "It was a great surprise!" He said. Sammy started to fall asleep in my arms "Aww. I'll get my old crib." I tell my father. I hand Sammy back to Casey. I was about to walk upstairs when my father pulled me back "Who said they were staying?" He said. "I did! Dad, they did not just come here with an airplane or Car. Look at them! They've traveled hundreds of miles to come here. They can stay here. And please, let them take a shower. They smell." I said and rush upstairs to get my old crib. Wow. I have three brothers. I never expected that to happen.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now