-Thomas Sangster- •Impress your friends•

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Warning: Mentioning of Smutty things and maybe some smutty things happen (If you are comfortable reading stuff like that, don't read it, I don't mind🤗) And in this imagine everyone's a teenager

Thomas POV
I sat on the couch in the living room of my house. We were having a guys night. We've been talking and playing video games all night. No homework, no studying for tests the next day, just a regular guys night. And no parents. Suddenly Dylan starts to talk about his girlfriend "My girlfriend's awesome! I swear to god she's the best thing that has ever happened to me!" He said. Will laughs "She can't be better than my girl. My girlfriend tried to jerk me off in class the other day." He says. Dylan laughs "Oh please! She did not! I was there, she was only trying to hold your hand and you had your hand on your lap." He says. Ki Hong laughs "You two are just making things up. My girlfriend climbs into my room at night and asks me to make out with her and sometimes go even further than that." He says. Dex chuckles "Sure Ki Hong, while you guys keep dreaming of your girlfriends doing something like that, I get to enjoy mine. And she does shit like that all day!" He says. Dylan glances at me "What about you Thomas? Y/n was it right? What does she do to you?" He asks. I shrug "We've only been dating for a few months." I say quietly. Jack starts to smirk "Ow, you two haven't done anything yet!" He says and starts to laugh. The others join him.

I started to panic....what should I do? "Uh...No! Actually, we have." I lied. Y/n and I have been dating for almost four months now and...I love her. She's very nervous and shy so we don't do stuff like that. Sure we make out but...not like that. She's two years younger than me so I am very careful with our relationship. Her parents didn't like me at first because I'm seventeen and she's fifteen. It sounds like a huge gap but it isn't. I love Y/n and if she wants to take things slowly I respect that. Dylan smirks "Have you now? What's it like to do a younger girl? I bet it's really bad, she doesn't have any experience." He says. I shrug "She's learning. It's very sweet and slow, but I got used to it." I tell them. Will smirks "I bet she tastes very good." He says. I nod and take a sip of my water "Very good!" I tell them. After a couple of minutes of talking about our girlfriends, the doorbell rang. I stood up and walked towards the front door. I open it and see Y/n "Y/n/n, Love, I didn't expect to see you here." I tell her, "What are you doing here?" I ask her. She sighs "My parents had to leave for a business trip at the last second and they wouldn't let me stay home alone for two weeks. And Lesley isn't answering her phone. Could I maybe stay here for tonight?" She asks. I nod and let her inside "Sure, but the guys are here for the guys night." I tell her. She shrugs "I can stay in your room and watch some Netflix." She says. 

"Y/n!!" Dylan says from the living room. She looks up at me "He isn't drunk is he?" She asks. I shake my head and brush some hair out of her face "Are you sure you don't want to stay here with us? We can cuddle." I tell her. She shakes her head "I'm okay with watching Netflix in your room."  She tells me. I kiss the top of her head "Alright." I say softly. She shivers a little bit "Are you cold?" I ask her. She shrugs "A little." She says. I take off my hoodie and slip it over her head "There you go, all pre-warmed." I tell her. She giggles and kisses my cheek before walking upstairs to my room. I head back to my friends in the living room. Will glared at me "What's she doing here? Was she desperate?" He asks. I chuckle "No." I say. They all roll their eyes "Sure, Thomas." They say. I start to laugh "Alright, you caught me. She's just watching some Netflix in my room." I tell them. Jack smirks "To get ready for you? I get it, I get it. But do we have to leave early or can we catch a glimpse of you two..." He eyes me up and down before continuing, "Handling each other." he smirks. I shake my head "No! God, you guys are disgusting!" I tell them. Ki Hong scoots a little closer to me "Oh come on Thomas! Show us what it's like to have a younger girl." He says. They were all looking at me right now. "A-alright." I stutter. They cheer and push me up the stairs.

I carefully opened my bedroom door. Y/n has fallen asleep on my bed. I walk inside and close the door slightly leaving a gap for the boys to watch. I can't believe I am actually doing this. I made my way over to the bed and leaned down "Y/n? Love, wake up." I say quietly. She slowly starts to wake up and rubs her eyes, she looked like a baby, so cute "Tommy?" She said. I sat down next to her and glanced at my friends who were standing by the door. I put my hand on the back of her neck and kiss her full on the lips. She smiled and kissed me back before she broke the kiss "You could've kissed me while I was sleeping." She says sleepily. I sigh "I'm sorry Y/n." I whisper. She looks at me confused not fully understanding what was going on. I took off my T-shirt and climbed on top of her. She had her eyes wide open and she tried to push me off. I pull away "No, I'm not doing it!" I say and get off Y/n and put my shirt back on. The guys storm into my room "What the hell Thomas?!" They yell. I saw Dylan and Jack holding their phones in their hand, they were probably trying to film everything. I looked at Y/n "Love, I am so sorry." I say. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. I carefully grab her hands "I am so sorry. I didn't want to scare you. Please forgive me." I beg. She didn't answer. That's when Jack slapped the back of my head "What the hell Thomas?!" He yelled, "What was that all about?!" He asked.

I sigh "I lied. Y/n and I never did anything. We are taking things slow and I kinda like taking it slow. Y/n and I never had sex or anything like it. And I was trying to impress you all? I am so stupid! I almost had sex with her against her will just because you guys wanted to see that! And you tried to film it?! Get the fuck out of my house." I tell them. They chuckle "You'll come back." They said and left the house. I sat on the other end of the bed and looked at Y/n "I'm sorry. I didn't think. I never wanted to hurt or scare you. I love you, and I fucked up but I'm sorry." I tell her. She slowly crawled towards me "Don't ever do that again." She whispers. I shake my head "Never." I whisper back and kiss her lips briefly. We lie together on my bed (Like on the picture above) "I love you, Y/n/n." I tell her. She smiles "I love you too, Tommy." She says.

*The Next Day*

Y/n and I walk into our school. I glance at my friends who were standing by my locker. Y/n and I walk towards them "Sup Dickheads." I say. Dylan chuckles "Not very good. Someone told our girlfriends we were trying to film another girl. They got mad and broke up with us, you don't happen to know anything about that now do you?" He asks. I honestly didn't know. I shake my head "I don't." I tell them. Dylan chuckled again before pushing Y/n away from me and pushing me against the locker "You told them, didn't you?" He snaps. I shake my head "No I di..." "Don't! You told them! You are going to pay for it." He says. Y/n pushed him away from me "Leave him alone!" She said. The guys chuckle "Aww, the little girl is standing out for her boyfriend now is she?" Will smirked. Y/n glared at them "I'm not little! Stop treating me like a baby I'm only two years younger! And Thomas wasn't the one who told your girlfriends. I did." She says. She get's her phone out of her pocket and shows them the texts "You should think twice before messing with me. I am not the type of girl you want to mess with." She said and turned back to me. I smiled "That's my girl." I say before kissing her.

A/N: I hope you liked this long imagine! I really enjoyed writing it! Tell me if there was any particular part you liked.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now