-Thomas Sangster- •Running•

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Your POV
I finished my run "Nice!!" Coach B said and high-fived me. I sat down on the bleachers next to my friends. Thomas came over to me. I've known him for as long as I can remember. He's just very sweet. He sat down next to me "Good job, Love." He said using his nickname for me. I blushed slightly "Thanks. You're up next with the other boys. Do you think you'll make it?" I asked him. He shrugged "Maybe. Will you watch me as I crush them?" He asked. I giggled "Of course, Tommy." I said. The coach called all of the boys over. Thomas stood up "That's my call." He said and leaned down to my ear "Did I mention how hot you looked while you were running?" He asked me as he walked away. I blushed bright red. He winked at me and started running along with the other guys in my class. Thomas was a very good looking guy. He had almost every girl in our school drooling over him. And I was one of them. I am so lucky to be friends with him! Lately, Thomas has been flirting with me a lot. To be honest, I do not mind at all. I watched him as he ran. He was looking at me and every time he ran past me he winked. 
I couldn't help it but blush. After a couple of minutes, some of the guys were out of breath and sat down, but Thomas kept going.

Thomas was the last one to stop running, just like me. I tossed him his bottle of water. He thanked me and almost drank all of his water immediately. His shirt was wet from his sweat and some of the water he had spilled. I could see his abs through his shirt. Dang. "Alright! That's it for today! Everyone, have a nice weekend!" Coach B said. I sighed in relief and stood up ready to get changed and go home. Someone grabbed my arm "Hey Y/n." Thomas said. I smiled "Hey Tom, great run." I tell him. He smiled back at me "Thanks! Hey, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out? My parents aren't home and my sister is having her stupid friends and boyfriend over." He said. I nodded "Yeah sure! Let's get changed and meet each other when we're done." I tell him. He smiled and ran off to the boys' locker room. 

I was already finished and I was waiting outside the boys' locker room. Thomas was the last one in there. Everyone else, including Coach B, had already left. I sigh "Thomas! Come out!" I yelled. After about ten minutes he opened the door and came out. I sigh "Finally! Jeez! And they complain about us girls." I giggle. He shrugs "I just wanted to fresh up a little...it didn't really work." He said. I nudged him with my elbow "You can shower at my place. I have to admit, I need one as well." I tell him. He sighs in relief "Thank you!" He said. I giggle and drag him along with me. As we were walking on the streets he was flirting with me a  little. I couldn't stop blushing. Suddenly he stopped me "The first one at your house gets to shower the first." He said and started to run. I ran after him "That's not fair!!" I yelled. He smirked at me and continued to run. I started to run faster and ran past him. I was the first one to arrive at the door "Ha!" I said. He panted "Alright, you win, but don't take too long." He said. I shook my head "Of course not, I'm not you." I say. I open the door and walked inside. We walked up to my room "Just go watch some Netflix or something until I get back." I tell him. He nods and lies on my bed. 

*Time Skip*

Thomas walked out of my bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist "Hey do you have some of my clothes here?" He asked me. I nodded and pointed at my closet "Third shelve." I tell him. Thomas and I have a lot of sleepovers, so we decided to have at least one or two pairs of clothing at each other's houses. He holds the clothes in his hands "Can you maybe....not look?" He asked. I smirked at him "Nothing I haven't seen before." I said. He blushed bright red "Just cover your eyes!" He said. I giggle "Okay." I said. Like I said, Thomas and I have known each other since we were babies. So as kids, we sometimes had baths together. He got dressed in grey sweatpants and a plain white shirt. He sat next to me on my bed "Hey Tom, you seem very into running lately. What's the deal with that?" I asked him. He didn't answer, he just looked at his hands on his lap. I waved my hands in front of his eyes "Hello? Earth to Thomas." I giggled. He sighs "I heard you, it's...it's hard." He said. I looked at him "You sound serious. You're never serious. What's going on?" I asked him. He sighs "Do you remember that part I auditioned for a while ago? The Maze Runner." He asked. I nodded slowly "Well, I got the part." He said. I smiled and hugged him tightly "That's amazing!!" I squealed. He didn't look very happy though "Why aren't you happy?" I asked him. He looked at me "I will have to move away for a while." He said, "I don't know when or if I come back." He said. I backed up "What?" "Y/n...I want you to come with me." He said.

I was very confused "What? Why?" I asked him. He holds my hands "I just...Y/n I love you and I don't think I can survive a day without you. You're my best friend but I am also in love with you! Do you remember the time you were sick? I was going out of my mind because I couldn't be with you." He said. I started to blush "That's how you truly feel?" I asked him. He nodded slowly "I am so sorry if I made things awkward between us. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can." He said. I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. We kissed for a while until I pulled back and looked deeply into his eyes "I'll come with you." I tell him. He smiled and hugged me tightly "Even though your parents might say no?" He asked. I shrugged "They always told me that if I wanted to live with my best friend they would allow it." I tell him, "And you are my best friend." I tell him. He smiled and kissed me again "I love you!" He said. I smiled into the kiss "I love you too, Tommy. Now let's continue watching the movie." I said. He agreed and cuddled with me on my bed as we watched the movie.

*Time Skip*

"Thomas! Wake up!" I said. He groaned and put his pillow over his head "Five more minutes, honey." He said. I sigh "Thomas come on! You said you wanted to get out of bed early today." I reminded him. He sighs "I made a mistake by saying that." He said. I sigh "Alright." I said and climbed on him "I'll go have my run by myself." I said and kissed his cheek. I walked out of our bedroom but heard Thomas come up behind me "Five minutes." He said and ran off "Be quicker!" I told him. After five minutes he runs out of the bedroom "I'm faster!" He said and runs out of our apartment. I followed him "No way!" I told him. 

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now