-Newt- •Cranky•

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Your POV
I hand Thomas a cup of tea "There you go." I say. He smiles "Thanks, Y/n." He said. Together we look at the sunset. It was a nice day in the Save Haven but at nights like this, we miss him. Minho and Gally joined us "He should've been here." Thomas said. I sigh "He would've loved it here." I smile, "What do you think he's doing right now?" I ask as I look up at the sky. Thomas shrugs "Probably doing the same thing we do, enjoy our tea and trying to keep our hands off you." He said. I gasp and shove his shoulder "How rude!" I said. The guys laugh "Easy, Girly. Even dead he still owns you, unless you decide you want someone else." Minho smirks and kisses my shoulder. I push him away "Get off, don't you want to snog Sonya or Harriet?" I ask him. He chuckles and sips his tea "Nah, don't feel like it." He said. I shake my head and take a sip of my tea "I wonder what would've happened if you were the one trapped in a maze full of girls." I giggle. He chuckles "I know what would've happened." He smirked. After a while of staring at the sunset, I yawned and stood up "Bedtime. Night guys." I say. They raise their cups "Bye, Girly." They said.

I closed my little cabin's door and turn on the lights. As soon as I did a hand covered in veins was suddenly in front of my eyes which made me jump slightly. I push it away and look into the now chocolate brown eyes. I smile "Newt, you should stop scaring me like that." I tell him. He coughed a little before responding "Sorry, Love. Sometimes I just can't control myself." He said. Oh yeah, he's still alive. I've been trying to cure him for months and it's finally working. He's still not completely cured but we're getting there. He glances down at the chains around his waist "Can you release me?" He asks. I take off my jacket "I don't know, Newt. We don't know what could happen if we do. What if Crank you comes out and attacks me before going out there infecting everyone?" I say. He sighs "Maybe you should've put a bullet in my head when you had the chance." He said and sits down in the corner. I kneel next to him and put my hand on his cheek "Don't ever say that again. I would never put a bullet in your head. Never. Just a couple more days, Newtie, then everything will be back to normal." I tell him. His eyes were watery "Can I have a hug?" He asks. I nod and hug him tightly "I can't wait to show you around." I tell him. He chuckles "Me too."

*A few Days Later*

I walked back into my cabin. I smiled as I saw a full cured Newt sitting on my bed reading a book. I jumped on the bed next to him "Hey." I smiled. He glanced down at me "Hello, Love." He smiled back. I hold up a key "It's time." I tell him. His eyes open wide "Really?" He says. I nod "Yeah, you're cured." I tell him. I release him from his chains. As soon as he was released he kissed me passionately. I smiled into the kiss and climbed on top of his lap. He holds me tightly "God I've missed this." he said. I pressed our lips back together. His hands were on my lower back "How long has it been?" He asks. I chuckle slightly and push him down on my bed "You talk too much." I tell him.

We continued our make-out session until we were cut off by someone walking in. I groan quietly "Wow, sorry, didn't know you were snogging someone." Gally's voice sounded. I sat up and look at the three boys "It's not just someone." I say. Newt sits up and scratches the back of his neck "Hey." He said. The boys' eyes widen "Newt? Y-You're alive...no this can't be real" Minho stutters. I pull Newt up from my bed and stand in front of them "He is. I cured him of the flare." I tell them. Thomas blinked a couple of times "There was a knife in your chest...I watched you die." He said. Newt chuckled "If Gally could survive a spear in his lung I can survive a knife." He said. He hugged his friends before picking me up "Now, leave because I've got something to do first." He said. The guys chuckle and leave us. 

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now