-Newt- •Real Emotions•

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A/N: This was requested on my other book by softieLover. I liked this request even though it's kinda sad. I tried to make the best out of it. And sorry it took a while to get published but it's a long story, so I hope you guys understand.

Your POV
"Hey, Newt!" I smile and sit down next to him on a log. He looks up and starts to smile "Good Evening, Love." He says. I started to blush a little bit, I always got super shy when he called me Love. I hand him some moonshine "There you go." "Thanks, Love." He smiles and takes a sip of the moonshine "I needed that." He says. I look at him "Aww, did the other guys mock you again?" I ask him. He laughs "No, not today. They did say how hot you were when you came back from your run." He tells me "Of course they did." I sigh. He wraps his arm around me "One day you'll get used to it." He tells me "I've been here for about a year now, I still haven't got used to it." I tell him. He smiles "At least you have me, I'm the only one that hasn't tried to kiss you." He says. I nod and look the opposite way "I just wish you would try." I whisper "What was that?" Newt asks me "Nothing. I smile. 

I've had a crush on Newt ever since I came up in the box. I don't know how I can describe these feelings. He's very kind, and gentle with me. I am in love with him, but I got stuck in the friend-zone. I will ask him if he wants to go on a 'date' with me tomorrow, I hope he will say yes.

*Time Skip*

I couldn't stop smiling this morning, I'm finally doing it! I am going to ask Newt if he wants to go on a date with me. I see him in the gardens "Newt!" I say. He looks up and smiles "Hey, Love." He smiles "What's up?" He asks. I take a deep breath "I wanted to ask you something before I leave for my run." I tell him. He steps closer to me "Alright." He smiles "Well, Newt...uh I wanted to ask you..if..you uh-" I was cut off by the greenie alarm. Newt sprinted towards the box and jumped down. He came back up with another girl...he was holding her just like he held me. Minho walks up towards me "Hey Y/N, you alright?" He asks. I nod and walk past him "I'm fine." I say quietly. It was painful, seeing him like this. And now with her here...I'm not special anymore. What am I saying? Newt is still my best friend, nothing in the world can change that!

*A few weeks later*

Nothing in the world can change that...I regret that now. Newt is acting like I don't even exist. The only thing he has eyes for is Jane, the new girl. We used to spend a lot of time together, now I hardly see him. It's like...my best friend got ripped out od my life for no shucking reason. I sit down against a log with all the other runners. I only glare at Newt and Jane, that should be me next to him! "Y/N?" Minho's voice cut me out of my thoughts "Yes?" I ask him "Stop making it so obvious you're jealous." He tells me. I look at him "Why would I be jealous?" I ask him "Come on, everyone knows you like him." He says. I turn away from him "Fine, don't give in to it, I would've done the same." he says. I sigh "He just forgot all about me." I say "He's just spending a lot of time with the new girl." He tells me "He has been spending time with her for the past couple of weeks! And where am I? Sitting in the map toom drawing maps!" I complain. Minho puts his hand on my shoulder "Just give it some time, he's probably just spending time with her to get to know her. Maybe you should too." He says "I can't, and I don't want to know her! I want her gone! She doesn't belong here!" I tell him.

"Do you believe you belong here? In a glade full of boys?" Minho asks "Maybe I do. What if the creators intended on putting me in here? To see how you boys would react." I tell him "Maybe that's why she's here too." Minho says "I'm going to be completely honest with you, I don't mind having two girls walking around." I groan "You're not helping, Min." I tell him. He chuckles "Maybe you should talk to him, tell him how you feel." He says. I take a deep breath "Alright, thanks Min." I say and stand up "It was my pleasure, malady." He says. I walk up towards Newt and Jane "Hey Newt, hey Jane." I say. They both smile as they look at me "Hey, Y/N." Newt says. Ouch, he never calls me by my name, it used to be 'Love' or 'Darling'. "Newt, could I maybe have a word with you? In privet?" I ask him "Why? What could be that important?" Jane asks with a little chuckle "It's something between Newt and me. Please, Newt." I say. But before he could get up Jane pulled him back "He's not going anywhere. Whatever you have to say, you can tell both of us. "Jane says. "Since when is that a thing? Newt, come on." I say. He looks at me sadly at "Sorry Y / N, but Jane is right." He says, "Newt, I'm just asking if you want to walk with me, this is important to me." I say "And Jane is important to me." he says. He looks at Jane and then at me again "Jane and I have talked about it and ... I don't want to see you again." Says Newt.

Tears slowly start to form in my eyes "Alright, if this is some stupid joke, it is not funny!" I cry. Newt looked at me with a serious expression on his face "You should go, he clearly doesn't want to see you anymore." Jane says before amazing her lips against his. I tried to hide my tears and walked away "So how did it go?" Minho asks "I lost my best friend to someone he barely knows. I'm going to get some sleep, I want the long route tomorrow." I tell him and walk towards my cabin. I slammed the door close. I leaned against the door before sliding down against it and cry. Very loud.

Jane POV
Ha! That girl got what she deserved! Newt is mine, and now she won't be bothering us anymore. Newt looked towards her cabin "She's crying, I know she is. I never meant to hurt her..." He starts. I push my finger against his lips "You did what's best for you. You didn't know she was a bad influence because she was so nice towards you. Don't worry, Newtie, you did well. She won't bother us again." I tell him and give him another kiss.

*Time Skip*

Mino POV
"Min, are you coming?" Y/N asks me. I saw Newt standing next to his hammock "You go to the doors, I'll be right there." I tell her. She leaves and I rush towards Newt. He looked up "Hey Min..." He starts but I grab him by his throat "Are you out of your mind?" I ask him. My face is really close to his (Minewt fans? Anyone?😂😂) our lips almost touch. I felt his breath against my lips "W-what are you talking about?" He stutters trying to catch his breath "You know what I'm talking about. You're breaking Y/N's heart! You two used to be as close as ever, and now you're putting her aside?!" I yell in his face "Jane said she was a bad influence." He says "Jane doesn't know what she's talking about! Now when Y/N comes back, you're going to apologize to her and dump Jane." I tell him. He groans "You don't tell me what to do!" "Actually I do! Y/N was going to ask you on a date, did you even know that?! Man she was trying to make a move, but you just moved on to the next girl. Even Gally wouldn't do something like that! You're being a real dick towards her." I tell him "I didn't know that." He says "That's exactly why I am telling you. Jane is the villain of the story, dump her and open your eyes, there is a beautiful girl waiting for you. Who really cares for you." I tell him and run towards the doors and meet up with Y/N.

*Time Skip*

Newt POV
"How could you do this to me?!" Jane yells "How could you be this cruel?" She starts to cry. I put my hand on her shoulder "I never wanted to make you cry." I tell her. She pushes me away "You're a dick!" She yells and runs off. I scratched the back of my neck "Well, that didn't go as well as I planned." I whisper "It didn't." Someone else says. I look to my left and see Y/N "Y/N, I am so sorry..." "Newt, it's alright." She says softly "No it's not, I pushed you aside for absolutely no shucking reason! My sweet angel could you ever forgive me?" I beg her and get on my knees in front of her. She chuckles quietly "My sweet angel?" She asks "The nickname I wanted to give you if we ever started dating. Yes I liked you too...but I didn't want to be a dick like all the other guys. But one thing led to another and I got stuck in the friendzone." I say and hug her legs "Please, let's forget about this and move on." Newt says "I'd like that." She smiles and helps me back on my feet "Just, promise me, you won't fall in love with another girl. Ever again." She asks me "Never! Why would I? I have you now." I smile and pull her closer "May I kiss you?" I ask "You can kiss me." She smiles and let me pull her closer and press my lips against hers.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now