-Thomas Sangster- •Burglar Pt.2•

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Your POV
I can't believe this guy. He offered to take care of me. He even lets me wear his clothes. I walked towards the kitchen. He must have heard my footsteps "Enjoyed your bath?" He asks me. I nod "Yes, thank you." I say. He smiles and hands me a cup of soup "Enjoy it, you said you were hungry." He said. I carefully pick up the spoon and take a sip. Thomas looked down at me as I ate the soup. I carefully took little sips "Thank you." I say quietly. Thomas smiles "I shall tell my mother you like her soup, it's a family recipe." He says. I cock my eyebrow "Your mother?" I question. He chuckles "Yeah, my mother." He said, "Speaking of mother's, where's yours?" He asks. I didn't answer, I just continued eating my soup. Thomas looked at me confused "Hello?" he said. I look up at him "Yeah?" I say. He sits on the chair next to me "Where are your parents? Maybe I can help them too." He says. I glance at him "You can't help them."  I tell him, "They're dead. They have been for almost four years now." I say quietly. He puts his hand on my shoulder "I am so sorry." He says, "I didn't mean to-" He started. I pushed his hand away "Don't worry about it. They almost sold me for a couple of dollars." I say cutting him off. 

They didn't know what to do, they thought they were making the right decision. Thomas took a sip of his tea "But they didn't?" He asks. I shake my head "No one wanted to buy me because we had cut my hair and they thought I was a boy." I tell him, "My hair has grown back now but it was a huge waste. We only got three dollars." I say sadly. He gently strokes my hair "I think it's beautiful." he said. I smile "Thank you." I say. My eyes fall on the clock "I should probably go, it's really late already and-" "No, you're staying here." Thomas said interrupting me. I stood up from my chair "I am leaving." I tell him and start to walk towards the door. He ran up to me and pulled me back into his chest "I am not letting you go out there all by yourself. You're staying here for as long as you need." He says. I was very confused "You don't want me here. About an hour ago I tried to steal your money." I remind him. He chuckles and runs his hand through my hair "You did it because you were hungry. I want you to stay here." He says and shows me puppy dog eyes. I sigh "Fine." I say. 

*A few years later*

Thomas POV
"Y/n! Could you please come down here for a second?" I call. She runs into our office "Yeah?" she says. I point at the mess she made on the desk "Honey, I know you're still struggling sometimes but clean this mess up." I tell her. She groans "Why?" She whines. I kiss her cheek "Because we are not living on the streets. And you don't want your orphanage to look like this?" I ask her. She shakes her head "Can I clean it later? Chase and I were just reading outside." she says. I kiss the top of her head "As long as you clean it up." I tell her. She nods before rushing downstairs to our foster son. We are in the process of adopting him and his sister. His sister is still a baby and Chase is three years old. After I took Y/n in a couple of years ago and took care of her, I helped her to start her own company. She is the owner of the orphanage a couple of blocks away and the kids love her. Even though they might not have parents who love them, they still have us. I am so proud of her. She gave the kids something she never had. A family.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now