-Rafe Sadler- •Stable Girl•

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Your POV
I was standing in the stables brushing and feeding the horses. These horses are all I have. My parents died and I don't have any siblings. I smiled at my horse, Mary. Mary was mine, and mine only. She was the last thing my parents gave to me.
Because of their death, I was forced to be a maid to survive. I don't hate it, I just wished my parents were still here sometimes. "Stable girl! Can you get me a horse, please?" I heard someone say behind me. I guided one of the horses to the man.
When I looked into his eyes I felt my knees getting weaker. He smiled at me and took the leash from my hands "Thank you, uh..." "Y/n." I tell him. He smiled "Rafe." He said and left with the horse. I walked back to Mary "Did you see him?" I whispered, "He was so cute." I said.
She shook her head making me laugh "You don't like him? It's okay, Mary, I love you." I tell her and hug her. Like I said, this horse is my life.
When I glanced the other way, I saw Rafe. He sat on the horse talking to another man who stood next to him. The man handed him a piece of paper and walked away. Rafe put the paper in his pocket and disappeared. I sighed happily. What's wrong with me? I have never felt this before, It's a strange, but good feeling. Maybe I'll see him again tonight.

*Time Skip*

It was already dark outside. The moonlight shone over the stables. I lied on top of Mary as she lied on the hay. It was very quiet tonight, at least it was until I heard something. I sat up and carefully peeked over the fence. I saw Rafe climbing off his horse.
I walked towards him "Hello." I said. He smiled at me "Hello, stable girl. Could you help me please?" He asked. I nodded and took the leash from his hands, my fingers brushed over his hands softly. I blushed and brought his horse back to it's stable.
When I walked back he stopped me "You don't mind me calling you stable girl, right?" He asked. I shook my head "It's alright, master Rafe, I am a stable girl." I tell him. He smiled at me and took my hand in his "Please, just Rafe." he said and kissed the top of my hand.
I blushed "Alright, Rafe." I said. I was about to go back to Mary when he pulled me back "Don't you want to go home? Or back into the castle? I don't know where you live." He said. I bit my bottom lip slightly "I don't like sleeping in the castle. They have offered me a room, but I always come back to Mary." I tell him.
He glanced behind me "Your horse?" He asked me. I nodded and walked towards her. He followed me "I have always wondered who she belonged to." He said, "She's beautiful." he tells me. I smiled "Yeah she sure is." I tell him.
Then I felt a soft hand on my cheek "Just like her owner." He said. I blushed "Thank you, Rafe. I should probably go back to sleep, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I tell him. He kissed my hand again "Are you sure you don't wat to come with me into the caste. Personally, I would feel better if you'd come with me." He said.
I smiled at him "That's very sweet, but Mary is everything to me. I can't leave her." I tell him. "Not even for one night?" He asked me, "I'm sure you would like to sleep in a bed for once." He said.
I glanced at Mary before looking back at him "One night couldn't hurt." I said. He smiled and holds my hand as we walked inside.

*A Few Years Later*

I stood by my horse Mary in the stables. She brushed her head against me as I brushed her. I giggled "Mary, stop that." I tell her. Then she slapped me with her tail.
I laughed "Mary!" I say. When I finished I walked up to her again "You're old but you're still annoying." I said. Then I felt arms wrap around me "How's my stable girl doing?" I heard him ask. I smiled "I'm fine. How are you?" I asked him.
He brushed some hair out of my face "I'm fine. I wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to go for a ride with me?" He asked me. I smiled "Rafe, I have work to do." I tell him.
He puts his hands on my waist "Please? I want to spend time with my pretty stable girl." He said. I blushed and kissed his cheek "I can't." I tell him.
He pouts "Please? Pretty please?" He begs. I sigh "Alright! I'll make our horses ready." I tell him. He kissed my cheek "Alright, stable girl." He said. He puts his hand on my stomach "How's Jr?" He asked. I smiled "Happy, now that his father is here." I tell him.
Rafe got dropped to his knees and kissed my stomach "I love you, Jr." He said. I giggled and pulled him back up "I love you, Rafe." I said, "I love you too, Y/n." He said and kissed me.

A/n: Sorry if this was bad. And sorry for not updating, I've been super busy with school.I hope you still liked it.

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