-Casey- •Baby Nurse•

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A/N: Another movie I haven't seen. I'm sorry guys😂 I tried to make the best out of it, and people told me I should write about Newt more. I'm just trying to create a pattern just like I did in the other book. I'm trying guys.

Your POV
"Y/n, they need you at 227." My boss said. I work in a hospital, I always have to run around. Not that I mind, I like my job. I walk towards room 227, police officers were standing next to the door "Are you the nurse?" one of them asks. I nod and point at my dress "Thought it was pretty clear." I laugh. They open the door "Aww!" I say. A baby was sitting on the bed. I walked towards it "You're so cute." I say and tickle the baby. The baby giggles and holds my hands "Is he sick?" I ask the police officers. One of them walks inside "We need you to do that." He said. I picked up the baby "He seems fine." I said. I tickle the baby again which made him giggle "NO!! I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY GOODBYE!!!" Someone screams as they got pushed through the hallway by a police officer. I was about to walk after them when the officer at the door stopped me "Don't." he said. I glared at him "Why not?" I ask him. He sighs "He kidnapped this little one. He is his half brother." He explains. I push his hand away and walk after them "Hey! Stop!!" I scream. The officer looked at me "Sorry Ma'am, but we have to take him with us." He said. I looked at the boy he was holding "Is he his brother?" I ask. The officer nods "Let him go, I have to know what's wrong with his brother. He's the only one, I'm sorry but those are the rules." I tell him.

He groans and frees the boy "But he can't leave with the baby." He said. I nod and walk back into room 227. The boy smiled and took the baby out of my hands "Thank you." He said. I smiled back "Of course. Could you please tell me what's going on? Let's start with your name." I suggested. He nods and sits down "My name is Casey." He said. I smiled "I'm Y/n." I tell him. I sat down next to him, the baby giggled and reached out for me. I looked at Casey "May I?" I ask him. He nods and hands me his brother. The baby smiles and closes his eyes as he lies in my arms. I smile "Your brother is adorable." I tell him. He chuckles "He is a baby after all." He said, "And he likes you, maybe because he thinks you're his mother." He explained. I glanced at him "Where's your mother?" I ask him. He looks down at his lap "She's dead." He said sadly. I put my hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry." I said. He smiled "Thanks." he said. The door swung open and an officer walked inside "Time's up. He has to come with us." He said. Casey got up "Please take good care of him?" He asks. I nod "Of course." I promise.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now