-Thomas Sangster- •Daddy's Birthday•

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Thomas POV
"Tommy. Tommy, wake up." I heard a sweet voice whisper next to me. I groan "Five more minutes." I say. I heard a giggle and soft kisses on my neck "Baby, stop that." I tell her. The bedroom door flew open "Daddy!! Daddy!! Daddy!!" My kids scream. They jump on top of the bed and started to jump. I chuckle and sit up straight "What's up?" "Happy birthday!!" They said. I smiled and kissed their foreheads "Thank you." I said. Y/n sat up as well "Why don't you get your presents?" She asked them. They giggle and run off. Y/n turned to me "Happy birthday, Tommy." She said. I smiled and kissed her "Thank you, Baby." I said. We continued to kiss until the kids ran back inside. They both made drawings for me. I didn't exactly know what they drew because they are three and five, but they are so sweet. I hugged them both "Thank you." I said. They kissed my cheeks and climbed off the bed "We make breakfast!" They said. I quickly looked at Y/n who was already putting on her clothes "Don't worry, I'll go after them. Don't fall asleep again." She tells me. I whine "Why not? It's my birthday!" "Because I say so." She said and kissed me before walking off "By the way our parents are coming over!" She said. I groan "Not the parents." I said. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and hers... It's just that...when it's my birthday I like to spend it with my family. And not my parents who will embarrass me. I sigh and climb out of bed.

*Time Skip*

Our parents have arrived. I don't know how they do it, but they always arrive after we've had our breakfast. Y/n walked into the living room with Emily next to her. Anthony was sitting in front of us playing with his toys. His little sister sat down next to him. Y/n sat on the couch next to me "So, are you going to do something nice for Thomas's birthday? Like going to a restaurant?" Her mother asked. Emily looked up at me "Daddy?" She said.
I glanced down "Yes, Darling?" I asked her. She smiled and hugged my leg "I love you." She said. I smiled and picked her up hugging her tightly. She lied on my chest and closed her eyes. I looked at my father "Dad, could you maybe hand me the white blanket behind you?" I asked him. He does as I asked him and I put the blanket over Emily.
Y/n smiled "We were actually thinking about staying in for tonight and order some pizza." She told our parents. Her father shrugged "Alright. We wouldn't mind taking care of the kids, you know that right?" He said. She nodded "I know, Dad, but we're fine." She said. My mother smiled at us "You two are adorable! Oh, almost forgot! We bought you a present." My mother said and reached into her purse "It's a present from the four of us. a nice weekend at the best hotel in London. We will take care of Anthony and Emily." She said.
I chuckled "You really want to steal our kids don't you?" I said. Y/n's father shrugged "Can't blame us, they remind us of you two." He said. Y/n looked at me "Talking about presents...I think it's time for my present." She said. I looked at her and smiled "Baby, I thought we'd agreed on no presents." I tell her. She smiled and stood up "You're going to love this present." She tells me. Emily slowly woke up again and climbed off me but she held onto her blanket tightly as she sat down next to her brother.
Y/n comes back with an envelope in her hands. She sat on the couch next to me and hands me the envelope. I opened it and saw a picture 'Congratulations, you're pregnant' it read. I looked at her "Y-You're-" She nodded. I started to cry and hugged her tightly. When we pulled back our parents were very confused. I looked at them "She's pregnant." I said. They all cheered and clapped. Anthony stood op "Wait! Am I getting a brother?" He asked. I chuckle "We don't know that yet." He crosses his arms over his chest "I don't want another sister." He pouts. I chuckle and pick him up "You love her." I look at Y/n "And I love you." I said and kissed her.

A/n: Happy Birthday Thomas Sangster! (5-16-20)

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