-Jojen Reed- •Little Jojen•

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Jojen POV
"Father! Look what Meera did!!" I say holding up my toy. Meera broke it! Meera runs into the room "Did not!" She said.  I look at my father with the puppy eyes "Father, believe me." "Jojen, go back to your room and play." He says clearly not paying any attention to me. I sigh and walk back to my room. I groan and close the door again. Meera walked into my room "You're such a baby!" She said. I throw one of my pillows at her "Go away, Meera! You broke my toy!" I say. She laughs and pushes me down on the floor "Got you!" She giggles. I try to push her off me "Get off me!" I say. She pins my arms above my head "Meera!" "Haha! Such a baby!!" She giggles. The door opened "What on earth is going on here?" A sweet voice asked. I looked up and saw Y/n. I pushed Me era off me and ran towards her. Meera ran after me but before she could push me again Y/n picked me up. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. She kissed my cheek and looked down at Meera "Go to your room." She tells her. Meera groans and leaves the room. Y/n walks over to my bed and sits down setting me down on her lap "What happened?" She asks. I point at my broken toy on the floor "She broke it! I tried to tell father but he wouldn't listen." I tell her. She smiles and fund her hand through my hair "I can fix it, don't worry." She smiles. My eyes open wide "Really? You are the best!" I tell her. She smiles "Of course, Jojen." She says. I kiss her on the lips and hug her tightly. She giggles as I kissed her. I yawn and lie my head on her shoulder. She lies me down on the bed and pulls the covers over me "Time for a little nap, Prince Charming." She smiles.  I look at her "One day I will be a lord. Like father!" She smiles and kisses my forehead "Of course, Jojen." She says. I smile and yawn again "Love you." I tell her. She smiles "Love you too, Jojen."

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now