-Newt- •I Really Don't Like You•

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Warning: A lot of Time Skips and Newt's kind of a dick....

Newt POV
"What were you and girly over there arguing about last night? You guys kept us all up." Minho said. I shrugged "Maybe she should stop being shucking annoying and acting like a child." I say. Y/n glared at me "I can hear you." She says. I look at her "I know that! Why don't you go cry like the cry baby you are." I tell her. She groans and stood up walking away "Are you going to cry?" I called after her. "Shuck off, Newt! I'm going back into the maze!" She yelled. "Don't come back, please!" I yell. Minho slapped the back of my head "What the hell?! She has to come back, why would you say that?" He asked me.
 I shrug "I want her to get lost that's all. We were better off without her." Now Thomas slapped the back of my head "Shut your hole. Y/n is one of the best things that has happened to us. She's better than Minho and me combined." He said. I glare at him "All you guys care about is her being a girl instead of a boy. You don't care about her running the maze." I tell them. They both slapped the back of my head "You're being a Slinthead, Newt." They both say. I glare at Minho "Admit it!" I say. He shakes his head "No way, Shank." He said and stood up "I'm going after her, you keep an eye on this Shank." He said and pointed at Thomas.

Your POV
I stood in my cabin getting ready for the run today. Alby let us sleep in this morning so we can explore some shorter routes closer to the glade. I heard a knock on the door "You in there, Girly?" "It's open, Min!" I tell him. The door opened and he looked at me "Ignore him." He tells me. I look at him "I don't know what you're talking about." I tell him. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the doorframe "Newt. He doesn't know what he's talking about." He tells me. I turn around and look at him "I know." I say and try to walk past him. He pulled me back by my arm "Why are you two always fighting?" He asked.
I shrugged "He just doesn't like me. That's all. Can I go now?" I asked him. He pulled me back once again "What were you arguing about last night?" He asked me. I released myself from his grip "Nothing special." I tell him, "If you need anything else, I'll be out in the maze." I tell him. He once again stopped me "Did something happen?" He asked. I shook my head "Nothing happened." I lied and ran off.

*Time Skip*

I ran back into the Glade. I was just on time, the doors were closing soon. Newt stood in front of me "You're back. Great." He said. I looked up at him "Shut up." I tell him and try to catch my breath. He crossed his arms over his chest "I thought I told you to not come back." He said. I shrug "Well, I don't listen to you." I told him as I stood straight up. I heard the doors behind me starting to close. Newt grabbed me and started to walk towards the closing doors. I tried to push him off "What are you doing?!" I yell.
He pushes me into the maze again "Getting rid of you. Have fun with your family in there!" He said. I tried to run back out but the doors were closed. I'm going to die here... God I hate him so much. I knew he hated me as well but I never thought he would do something like this. I sat down against the wall "Shuck you, Newt." I said.

*Time Skip*

Minho POV
I stood in the homestead with Alby, Newt, and Thomas. Y/n didn't come back last night. She's probably dead. "Thomas and I will look for her body in the maze." I tell Alby. He nodded and crosses his arms over his chest "We'll have a funeral tomorrow." He says. Newt groaned "Why? Nobody liked her." He said. I glared at him "Everyone loved her. We didn't say you had to come." I snap at him. He looks at me "Are you sad that your little girlfriend's dead? Poor you." He mocked. I stepped closer to him "She was one of my best friends." "Boo-hoo." He said. I grabbed his sweater "Minho." Alby warned. I sigh and let go of Newt. I walked out of the homestead. Thomas and I walked towards the doors that slowly opened.
He looked at me "Are you okay?" He asked me. I shrugged "I just never thought I would lose her. Especially not like this." I tell him. He puts a hand on my shoulder "I know. She was a good kid." he said. I nodded and looked back at the doors. We were about to run in when someone limped towards us. "Y/n!" I said. 
I ran towards her and picked her up "Thomas, tell everyone Y/n is still alive! Clint and Jeff need to help her!" I tell him. She was covered in blood and scratched. She snuggled closer to me "Don't l-let me d-die." She stuttered. I shook my head "Never. You're safe, Girly." I tell her.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now