-Thomas Sangster- •Too Many Kids•

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A/N: This imagine was requested by Fictionalkitkat I hope you like it!

Thomas POV
The sunlight shines through the curtains. I groan and turn around wrapping my arms around Y/n. I bury my face in the crook of her neck "Mmh." I groan quietly. I heard a little giggle "Something wrong, Tommy?" I heard Y/n ask. I smile and shake my head "I just want to hold you as tightly as possible." I tell her. She giggles quietly and goes back to sleep. That's when the door swung open "Mommy!! Daddy!!" One of our kids scream. I groan and look up to see Theo and Jake climbing on our bed. They start to jump up and down "Kids, please, don't jump on the bed." I tell them. Y/n groans and hides her face in my chest "Kids, go back to your rooms." She says. The kids kept screaming and running around. I sigh and run my hand through my hair "Daddy?" I hear a quiet voice say. I look to my left and see my youngest child, Liv, standing next to our bed. She's also known as the only child who listens to us. I pick her up and sat her on my lap "What's wrong?" I ask her. She hugs her teddy bear "I'm hungry." She says innocently. I chuckle and get up with Liv in my arms "Alright! Time for breakfast!" I say. All of the kids scream and run out of the room. Liv points at Y/n "Mommy sicky?" She asks. I shake my head "Mommy's tired, your brothers, and sister woke her up." I tell her. She climbs out of my arms and lies her teddy bear next to Y/n "Mommy sleep." she said and runs back to me.

I stood in the kitchen making everyone breakfast. Ugh! "Theo, please sit on your chair and not the table." I tell him. He groans and sits down on his chair. My eyes soon move to my next kid "Emily! Stop throwing your food at Emilio!" I tell her "Emilio, stop putting your beacon in Emily's milk!" I tell him. Liv sat quietly next to Jake. Theo and Jake are the oldest of our five kids, Emily and Emilio are the twins and constantly fighting. Liv is our youngest and she's the sweetest kid ever! Y/n walked into the kitchen "Mommy!!" The children started screaming again. I glare at them and they stop screaming. Liv carefully climbs off her chair and walks towards Y/n and hugs her leg. Y/n smiles and picks her up  "Good morning, Sweetie." "Good morning, Mommy." She says and hugs Y/n. I kiss her cheek "Morning, Darling." "Morning, Tommy." She says. She sits down on Liv's chair and hands her the Teddy Bear "Thank you, Sweetie." She smiles. Liv hugs Y/n again and continues to eat her dinner. For the slightest moment, it was quiet...until the kids started to scream again. I groan "I'm going to take a shower." I tell them. I walk over to Y/n "Remind me to wear a condom next time." I whisper and kiss her cheek. She giggles "I will, Tommy."

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now