-Thomas Sangster- •The Author and The Actor•

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A/n: This imagine was requested by KittieBlue10. I honestly really liked this request and I started writing it as soon as she requested it! I hope you like it! And I also really like this picture of Kaya and Thomas!

Thomas POV
I straighten my tie and put on my shoes. I am so excited! I was on my way to the premiere of 'The Maze Runner: The Death Cure'! Someone knocked on the door of my hotel room "Thomas! Are you in there?" I heard Dylan ask. I walked out of the bedroom and opened the door "Hey, I thought we would meet up at the Limo?" I said. Dylan shrugs "I was bored. No one is ready yet, why is everyone taking so long? Just put on your clothes and shoes and we're done!" He said as he walked inside.
I chuckled "Not everyone is as fast as you are, Dyl." I tell him. He sighs and sits on the couch in the hotel room "So, are you ready for our last red carpet?" He asked. I nodded "Yeah, but we don't know if it'll be the last one together. Besides, it won't be the last time we see each other." I remind him.
He sighs "Yeah you're right. I'm just sad, I don't want it to end." He admitted, "By the way, I've been reading these fan fictions online about the movies and they are pretty amazing!" He tells me. I chuckle "And were they writing about how the reader would be in the Glade with our characters?" I asked him.
He nodded "It's cool to see how some people kind of re-write the story." He says. I nod "It's cool, but Kaya just send me a text saying the limo's here." I tell him. He jumps up "Let's go then!" He said and runs out. I chuckle and walk out after him.

*Time Skip*

This movie was amazing! It was kind of cringy to see myself on the screen, especially as a crank, but I liked it! We were now at the party. Kaya and I were chatting as we sat at a table. Suddenly Kaya's eyes trail behind me and widen "Oh my god!" She screamed. I was confused, but before I could say anything Kaya jumped up and ran towards a girl not too far away from our table. Kaya pulled the girl along with her back to the table "Thomas! This is Y/n Y/l/n. She's the author I was telling you about the other day! Your books are amazing Ms. Y/n." Kaya said. Y/n smiled "Thank you so much! I can't believe the Kaya Scodelario has read my books! And please, call me Y/n." She said.
 Kaya smiled and sat down at the table and Y/n joined her. I looked at her "So you're an author?" I said. She nodded "Yes!" She said excitedly. I smiled at how cute she was when she got excited "I've always wanted to ask an author this question, how do you know when people like what you've written?" I asked her. She shrugged "You don't. The challenge of being an author is writing something and having to deal with the fact that some people might not like your story. When I write something and I like it, I try to read it a second time through the perspective of the reader. It's like acting, you never know if people will like it. You don't have to question that at all Mr. Sangster, you are such a talented actor." She said. I blushed slightly "Thank you, and call me Thomas." I say. 
Kaya turned to me "Thomas, you have to read her books! They are amazing!" Kaya said. "Maybe I will. I haven't had a lot of time to read, but now that we'll be traveling a lot I might be able to read them." I tell her. She smiled "That would be incredible. I can't believe people as famous as you guys are reading my books. It's crazy." She said. I looked at her "Welcome to the world of fame." I chuckled, "Do you have any other hobbies?" I asked her. Y/n nodded "Yes! Just like you guys I love to act. I also love music!" She said. Kaya looked at her "That's cool! Do you play an instrument?" she asked. Y/n took a sip of her wine "I can play bass. I also play drums but not that good." She says. My eyes widen slightly "Really? Me too!" I tell her.

The three of us continued to chat. It turns out that Y/n and I have a lot of things in common. I actually really liked Y/n. She checked her watch "Oh my god, we've been chatting for hours now, I actually have to head back home." She said. A lot of people were already gone. We were actually the last ones there including Dylan, Dexter, Will, and Ki-Hong. Y/n stood up "It has been such an honor to meet you guys." She said. I smiled and helped her put on her jacket "It was very nice to meet you too." Kaya and I said. The girls hugged each other "I'll walk you out." I tell Y/n. We walk outside and she waits for her taxi "I really liked talking to you. I never thought I would have so much in common with Thomas Sangster." She said.
I smiled "And I never thought I would meet such an amazing author. By what I've heard and read you are amazing." I tell her. She blushed and hands me a piece of paper as her taxi arrived. She kissed my cheek "Call me, text me, whatever." She giggles and gets in the car. I look at the piece of paper in my hand and smiled as I read her phone number.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now