-Jake Murray- •Protect the enemy•

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Jake POV
"Mom they'll shoot me!" I yell. She looks at me with tears in her eyes "They'll me and then they'll shoot you! I just have to keep on to this gun for a while." I tell her. She runs her hand through her hair "How long?" She asked. I shrug "I don't know, they will let me know when they want it back." I tell her. My phone vibrates, I pick it up I got a text from Y/n "Who is that? Is that them? Tell them they have to pick up the gun and get it out of this house." She says. I look at my mother "You don't tell them what to do, they tell you. Besides, it's not them." I tell her. "Then who is it?" She asked, "Jake!" "It's Y/n. She's coming over." I tell her. I walk into my room "She can't! Tell her she can't come, we have to talk about this." She says. I pull some clothes out of my closet "She's coming over, I already told her she could come!" I tell her. She sighs and stretches her hand out "If you don't text her then I will. Give me the phone." She said. I shook my head "No! She's coming over!" I tell her. She tries to snatch the phone from my hand, but I was too quick and I ran pushed her out of my room and locked my door.

*Time Skip*

I sat on the couch talking with my mother and grandmother. They found out I killed Sean.(Yeah apparently it's Sean...I did not know that) I regret it, every second, but they don't believe me. They might say so, but I know they're lying by looking into their eyes. The doorbell rang. I jumped up "Y/n's here!" I say. My mother glared at me "Didn't I say to not let her come over?" She asked. I shrug "Well I don't give a damn." I say. I open the front door "Jake!" She smiles. I smile back and wrap my arms around her tightly. I picked her up and brought her to our living room. She giggled and freed herself out of my grip and stood in front of me "Hello Mo, Gannie." She says. My grandmother smiles at her "Hello, dear." She said. My mother didn't say anything. I look at Y/n "You can sit down you know." I chuckle. She smiles and sits on my lap "I was referring to the couch but I like this too." I smirk and kiss her. She smiled and kissed me back. I felt something pressed against my forehead. Probably her head. I'm too focused on kissing right now. I don't even care about my mother and grandmother next to us. Y/n pulled away from our kiss and I slowly opened my eyes. Then I saw what was pointed against my forehead, a gun. 

I hold up my hands "Y/n?" "Shut up." She says. She smiled at me "Where is it?" She asked. I gulp "Where's what?" "Don't play dumb! Where's the gun you used to shoot Sean?" She asked. I didn't answer. She groans and pushes the gun harder against my head "Where is it?!" She yells. "Why should I tell you?" I ask her. I felt so betrayed. She sighs "If you give me the gun I can get out of here and pretend like this never happened. Forget about it." She said. I looked at her "I won't. You never told me...why?" I asked her. I saw a tear trailing down her cheek "Because I'm trying to protect you! If someone finds out I'm here you can pick my corpse off the street tomorrow morning. Just tell me where it is Jake." She begs. I wipe the tear off her cheek "You betrayed me...I thought we agreed to not keep secrets from each other." I remind her. She sniffs and presses the gun harder against my skull again "Everyone has secrets. Just tell me where the fucking gun is so I can destroy it and there will be no evidence! Not for the cops to investigate nor for other gangs to know it was you. If the gun is gone you're safe." She tells me, "Jake, please." She says. I put my hands on her waist "You promise?" I ask her. She nods "I promise." She says. My mother shook her head. I sigh "It's back in my floor, you know the one where I used to hide th-" I tell her. She presses her finger against my lips "Don't say it." She says. She stands up and pulls me up, holding my hand tightly."Please don't call the cops." She says to my mother and grandmother. 

We walked up to my room. I kneeled down and searched for the gun. I found a couple of pictures. I smiled and handed them to her "Remember that?" I asked her. She smiles "I do. Jake, I just want what's best for you. Please try to understand that." She tells me. I sigh "You held a gun against my head." I remind her. She sighs "Sorry about that. There is this guy outside...he's the only one who knows about us and he's keeping an eye on me." She says. "You told someone I'm your boyfriend? That could lead to serious trouble." I tell her. She bites her bottom lip "Well I didn't say you were like...my boyfriend." She says. I glare at her "What?!" "It was hard enough to let him keep his mouth shut about you being my best friend, which is also true." She says. I step closer to her "Why do I have the feeling that you had to do something humiliating to let him keep his mouth shut?" I say, "What did you have to do?" I ask her. She bites her bottom lip and backs up "Just yell at him." She says.

I step closer to her again "What did you do, Y/n?" I asked her again. Her back his hit the wall "I just told you." She said. I put my hands on both sides of her head "You bite your lips when you're nervous. What did you do?!" I yelled. "I killed someone!" She screams. I look down at her "And then he kind of...you know..." She said. I pushed her harder against the wall "I'll kill him. Where is he?" I tell her. She shook her head "No, Jake, please." "I will kill him!" I yell. She cups my face in her hands "Don't worry about it, I handled it pretty well. Just give me the gun and I'll disappear." She says. I put my hands on her waist "But I don't want you to leave." I tell her. She smiles "I might come and visit you. I just have to get out of the picture for a while." She tells me, "Protecting you hasn't been the best thing I've ever done the gang. We have to leave for a while, we might come back when everything's over. That's why I wanted to see you today. To say goodbye." She says. I looked down at her and...I kind of realized that I was really turned on right now. I pulled her closer "You'll get the gun...on one condition." I smirked, "And what's that?" She asked. I smirked and picked her up and locked the door " You know what it is." I smirked.

A/N: A weird chapter maybe 'cause of the mixed feelings but honestly I didn't know what to write. I hope you liked it

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