-Thomas Sangster- •Interview•

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Your POV
"Hello, dear, how can I help you?" A nice receptionist asked. I nod "I'm Y/n Y/l/n, I was invited here to interview Mr. Sangster." I tell her. She smiled and checked her computer "Ah yes I see! Alright, you can walk through that door over there. Mr. Sangster is waiting for you there." She says and points at a black door. I smiled "Thank you." I say and walk towards the door. I knock on the door "Come in!" I heard someone answer with a thick British accent. I carefully opened the door and stepped inside "Hello Mr. Sangster, I'm Y/n Y/l/n. I am here to interview you." I say. He stood by the window, he turned around "Sit down." He told me. I sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He sat in his big chair behind his desk "So what's this interview about? What do you need to know?" He asked sternly. I took my notepad out "This interview is about you. I will ask you things about your career and I would love to get all the details. The more details I have the better this paper will be." I told him. He cleared his throat "And this is for school?" He asked. I nodded "It's kind of like a competition. The best paper gets the opportunity to be published in all the popular magazines in the country!" I say excitedly.

He stood up from his chair "You can leave." He said. "What why?" I asked. He glanced over his shoulder "I do not want my personal life to be published for everyone to read. Goodbye, Ms. Y/l/n." He said. I didn't move "This won't be about your personal life, this will be about the company you've built here." I tell him, "Please Mr. Sangster, I really want to get a good grade." I say. He turns around again "I don't care, you should've picked someone else!" He tells me. I stood up "That's exactly why I chose you! No one knows anything about you or how you got this successful. I want to be the first one who writes about you and the company. As I said, it's a competition, the chance of this paper being released to the public eye is very small." I said. He sighs "I don't take risks. The last risk I took almost cost me everything I've worked for. I'm not putting my good name in the hands of a girl that doesn't even know what she's talking about!" He said, "Goodbye, Miss. Y/l/n." He said.
I sat down on the chair "Mr. Sangster, I won't leave. We had an agreement on this." I told him. He groans "That was before you told me it would be published in magazines!" He growls. He takes a second to calm down and straighten his tie "Why did you choose me?" He asked. I shrugged "I don't know. You're a very successful man and people don't know that much about you. I think that's kind of a shame. If you tell me how you became this successful and I write the paper and it does get published, maybe others will follow. If you are able to open up people might get more interested in your company because of its backstory." I told him. He rubbed his chin "That does make sense." He said quietly. He sat down in his chair "I'm sorry about yelling at you, you obviously know what you're talking about. If I agree to this, I want you to promise me something." he said. I nodded "You won't write anything about my personal life." He said. I nodded "Okay I respect that." I told him.

*Time Skip*

After a couple of days Thomas finally started to open up about his career. He told me about everything I had to know and I finished the paper in time. He is now reading it on my laptop. He was smiling slightly while he read it. When he finished he looked at me "I like it! No, I love it!" He said, "I'm expecting to see this in the magazines all over the country!" He told me. I nodded "I send this to my teacher this morning and she said this is probably the best paper she has ever seen. This will probably be published." I told him. He smiled at me "That's great! I'm so proud of you!" He said. I hugged him "Thank you, Thomas. So I guess this was our last day together." I said sadly. He leaned back in his chair "You know, it doesn't have to be our last day working together." He told me. I looked at him "What are you saying?" I asked him. He smiled at me and handed me a piece of paper and a pen "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to work for me as my personal assistant. I can really use someone who writes as good as you do. And if you accept this...I might take you out for a nice dinner." He told me. I smiled at him "You don't have to take me out for dinner, you've already done so much!" "Nah nah let me take you out for dinner." He said, "Will you take the job?" He asked. I nodded and signed the contact "YES!! Thank you so much for this opportunity!" I say. He kissed my cheek "You are so welcome."

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now