-Casey- •My sister? Pt.2•

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Your POV
I sat on my bed with Lucas, my boyfriend. He held up some Dvd's "Which one?" He asked. I smiled at him "I chose last time, it's your turn." I tell him. He chuckled "Are you sure?" He asked me. I nodded "I am sure." I tell him. Then I heard a baby crying.
I sighed and stood up "I'll be right back." I tell him. I walked over to the boy's room and picked up Sammy from the crib. After a while, he stopped crying and I lied him back in his crib. I walked towards the door, about to walk out, when he started to cry again.
I walked back to the crib
and picked him up "Do you need attention?" I asked him. He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck. I sighed and walked back to my room with Sammy on my arm. Lucas looked up "So that's your brother?" He asked.
I nodded "Yeah one of them." I tell him.
He chuckled "Poor baby, too many boys in your life?" He asked me teasingly. I nodded "Yes, maybe I should get rid of one." I said.
He chuckled "I thought you liked
your baby brother." He said. I glared at him "I wasn't talking about him." I said. He chuckled again "I thought you liked your other brothers as well." He said. I giggled "I do." "Hold up, you're not talking about me are you?" He asked me.
I laughed "I was but I would never get rid of you, you were here first." I tell him. He smiled and kissed my cheek "Love you." He whispered. I smiled at him "Love you too." I said. I glanced down at Sammy and saw that he was fast asleep. I brought him back to his room and quickly made my way back to Lucas. I jumped on my bed next to him and cuddled into his chest. He pressed the play button and holds me tightly as we watch the movie. 
After a couple of minutes, I noticed that my door opened slightly. H and Casey stood in the doorway "Dad said this should be open." H said and they both walked off. I shrugged and put my head in the crook of Lucas's neck. He chuckled quietly
"What are you doing?" he asked me. I smiled and shrugged "You're warm." I said.
He chuckled and kisses my forehead. Ten minutes into the movie and
Sammy started to cry again. I was about to jump up when Lucas pulled me back "Your brothers can take care of it." he tells me.
He was right, as usual, so I lied back on his chest and enjoyed the movie. Lucas sometimes kissed my head or leaned down to peck my lips, he's a sweetheart!
But then I saw H and Casey walking by a couple of times. I noticed that Lucas was very uncomfortable. I looked up at him "What's up?" I asked him.
He looked down at me "You're brothers." He said. I raised my eyebrow "What about them?" I ask. I glance at the door and saw Casey and H standing there (Gif^^). I looked back at Lucas "Don't pay attention to them." I said and sat on his lap. Instead of smiling and blushing, like he always does,
he pushed me off "They're freaking me out. A baseball bat? Does anyone in your family even play baseball?" Lucas whispered. I groaned and glared at my brothers.
I walked towards them and closed the door behind me "What on earth are you two doing? Can't you see I'm spending time with my boyfriend?!" I whisper yelled at them. They nodded "That's why were here." Casey said, "You don't know what he's thinking, but we do. He's trying to-" H started.
I smack both of their heads "Don't do this. He's my boyfriend and I can handle myself! Now go away, you're freaking him out!" I said and almost pushed them down the stairs. I walked back to
my room, closing the door behind me, and sat back down on my bed "No need to worry about them anymore." I tell him. He smiled and pecked my lips and pulling me onto his lap "You were saying?" He smiled.
I giggled and leaned in to kiss him. But then my door opened again and Casey walked inside with Sammy "He's hungry." He said. I glared at him "So?"
"So, breastfeed him!" Casey said. I sighed "That's not how it works! Now get out!" I said. Then Dad walked past my room "What's going on here?" He asked.
Lucas stood up from my bed and kissed my forehead "I'll go." He said and quickly rushed out. H walked into my room as well "What's pretty boy's hurry?" He asked. I groaned and buried my head in my pillow.

*Time Skip*

I sat on my bed texting Lucas. I had apologized many times and luckily he wasn't mad. He was just a little annoyed because this was our movie night. There was a knock on my door "What?" I said annoyed.
Casey's head appeared from behind the door "Can I talk to you?" He asked me. I sighed and out away my phone "Sure." I said. He walked in and sat down on my bed "I'm sorry for what happened earlier." He said,
"We've had to protect our family for as long as we can remember, and you're part of our family now. We want to protect you." He tells me. I nod "I get that, but I don't
need you to protect me. I can take care of myself. But it's really sweet of you two." I tell him, "Just please, don't scare Lucas. I really care about him." I tell him.
He nodded "I can respect that. I just don't know if H or Dad will." He chuckled. I laughed too "So were good." Casey said. I nodded and gave him a hug "We're all good." I tell him.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now