-Thomas Sangster- •Weak Spot•

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a ⚠Warning⚠: Long imagine, Light Smut (This symbol will be placed before it starts and after it ends ~⚠~)

Thomas POV
I shoved the guy into the lockers "I don't like repeating myself." I tell him.
He chuckled "You don't scare me." He said. I shoved him harder against the locker. He gasped slightly "Yeah, that's what I thought. Are you going to get me a coffee or what?" I asked him and wrap my hand around his throat.
He nodded rapidly and tried to free himself out of my grip.
I let him go and let him run away. I turned to my friends "It's so easy." I said.
We walked towards our lockers and waited for the guy to come back. That's when I saw one of my other friends walk towards us "What's up?" I asked him as he walked towards us.
He shrugged "The nerds just came out of the library, time to drop off our homework." He said. I smirked and held my bag in my hands. We waited for the nerds to walk by.
They finally appeared in the hallway, "Nerds! You know what time it is." I said.
They glanced up and looked at us with fear in their eyes. They slowly made their way towards us. Harry, one of my friends,
walked over to the girl in the back.
He played with her hair "Aww so cute." He said. I locked eyes with the girls and saw who she was.
Y/n Y/l/n, she's the cutest girl in the world. I saw that she was getting a little uncomfortable, "Harry, get off." I tell him. He groans "I never get to have any fun." He said. I blushed and walked towards her
"H-hi Y/n." I stuttered. Damn, Thomas get it together! She blushed as well and glanced down at her feet "H-hi Thomas." She said. When she looked back up, she looked directly into my eyes.
I couldn't help but blush and smiled at her "W-what are you still doing here? I thought history was your last class of the day." I said. I know that because that's one of the classes we have together.
She nodded "It was, but we finished our homework in the library." She said. I smiled at her "You're so smart." I blurted out.
We both blushed "T-thank you." She stuttered. Harry pulled me towards him "What are you doing?" He asked me.
My eyes never left hers "Talking." I answered. I pushed him off slightly and stepped forward "Would you mind helping me with my homework?" I asked her shyly. She was still blushing "S-sure." She stuttered. She's so cute when she stutters. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked away from my friends.
I heard some of them call after me but I couldn't help but get lost in her eyes. She looked up at me "Y-your friends might need you." She said.
I shrugged "They don't need me." I tell her. She nodded "A-alright. Shall we go to your place?" She asked me. I nodded "Sure." I said. She smiled "Alright. C-can we run by my locker real quick? One of my books is still in there." She said.
I nodded "Of course." I said.

Your POV
I can't believe Thomas asked me to help him with his homework!
The school bad boy has asked the nerd to help him with his homework.
He's so cute. He makes my heart skip a beat every single time.
We are friends...I think. We are that kind of friends who don't hang out a lot but when we start talking it's a lot of fun.
I have a major crush on him, but I'm too shy to tell him. I just hope I don't completely embarrass myself when were alone or with his parents.

*Time Skip*

Thomas POV
I opened the door to my house "Dad?" I said. My father walked out of the kitchen "Thomas where were- oh, and who is this young lady?" He asked.
I stepped aside "This is Y/n, she's a friend from school." I tell him. He gasped slightly "Is that the girl you're always talking about?" He asked me.
I scratched the back of my neck and blushed "No." I said and glanced down at my feet.
My father walked towards us and gently took her hand in his "Welcome in our home." He said and kissed the top of her hand. Y/n blushed "Thank you, Mr. Sangster." She said. I glanced at Y/n, "Shall we go up to my room?" I asked her.
She nodded and took off her shoes and jacket. I lead her up to my room "Don't mind the mess on my desk." I tell her before opening my door. We walked into my room and put our bags on my bed.
I looked at her "Do you want a drink?" I ask her. She nodded "Yes, some water, please." She said.
I nodded "I'll be right back, make yourself at home." I tell her. She nodded and sat on my bed. I walked downstairs again and into the kitchen. My father was still there.
I grabbed two glasses "Did you have to embarrass me in front of her?" I asked him. He chuckled "I'm sorry." He said.
I glared at him "You're not sorry." I laughed. He chuckled again, "You caught me." He said. He then looked at me with a serious expression on his face "What's wrong?" I ask him. He sighs "Thomas, I have to leave again tonight." he said.
I cocked up my eyebrow "What? But you just came back." I said. He sighs "I know, son, I don't want to leave but I have no choice." He said. I sighed "I understand. Will you stay for dinner?" I asked him.
He nodded "Yes, but I will have to leave after that." He said. I nodded "Alright." I said. I filled our glasses with water and walked upstairs again.
When I opened the door I saw her sitting on my bed. Something appeared in my mind as soon as I saw her...
She looked up at me "Is something wrong?" She asked. I gulped and shook my head. She had talked off her sweater and some of the buttons on her shirt were unbuttoned as well. I nervously walked towards the bed and handed her the glass of water "Thank you." She said and took a sip.
I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She looked up at me "Thomas? Are you alright?" She asked. I nodded "Y-yeah I'm fine. Why?" I ask her. She shrugged "You're sweating." She said. She sets her glass down on the nightstand and crawls closer to me "Maybe you should...take this off." She smirked. She crawled on my lap and grasped the hem of my sweater "Thomas, is something wrong? Thomas?" She said.
"Thomas?" She said snapping me back to reality. I looked at her. Her sweater was on the bed next to her "I was a little hot, I hope you don't mind." She said. I shook my head "No no, not at all." I said. I walked towards her and handed her the glass of water "Thank you." She smiled. "So shall we start then?" She asked. I nodded slowly and got my books out of my bag. "Do you maybe want to stay for dinner tonight?" I asked her. "Yeah sure, my parents aren't home anyway." She said. I smiled "Alright." I said.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now