-Thomas Sangster- •Airport•

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Thomas POV
Why does it have to take so long? We've been here for over an hour! I live here, I was born here, I was raised here! Why do I have to be here? My girlfriend is probably already waiting for me, I've missed her so much. It has been almost four months since I saw her and keeping me here longer than necessary isn't helping. I glance at Dylan "What are you doing?" I ask him. He starts to wave towards the crowd of fans "Waving." he says. I chuckle "I see that come on man, stop it you will break your hand." I tell him. His eyes widen a little before starting to wave even quicker. I saw a girl walking to the right and he kept waving at her. I was very confused right now "Dyl, why are you waving at that girl?" I ask him. He looks at me "Don't you recognize your own girlfriend?" He asks. I look back into the crowd and saw the girl running away.

I glance at Dylan "That's not Y/n." I tell him. Suddenly I see the girl with our bodyguards, it was Y/n! She tried to get through "I know him, he's my boyfriend." She said but they wouldn't let her through. I walked towards them "She's my girlfriend, you bloody idiots!" I tell them. They step aside "Sorry, Mr. Sangster we didn't know." one of them said. I glanced at Y/n and smiled. She smiled back and jumped into my arms "Tommy!!" She screams. She wraps her arms and legs around me tightly "I missed you so much!!" She said, "I missed you too, Love." I whisper in her ear. I bury my head in the crook of her neck "I missed you so much." I tell her.
Dylan walks towards us "Told you." He says. I chuckle "I couldn't focus, there were too many girls jumping in front of her." I tell him. He chuckles and looks at Y/n "Hey Y/n!" He said "Hey Dyl." She says and waves at him. She puts her hands on the back of my neck before smashing her lips against mine. We started to make out. Dylan chuckles "Don't eat her." He says.

A/N: Hey! I've wanted to ask you guys if you could maybe send me some characters you would like me to write some imagines about. I'm kinda stuck right now. I don't want to write Whitey Winn imagines because I am already writing a whole book about his character, and some characters I just don't have the inspiration to write Imagines. And I just don't really like some characters anymore, I hope you can understand that. But could you guys please help me out? And I also wanted to thank you guys for the reads, votes, and comments on this book. I've only published 9 chapters by now and we are already over a thousand reads! Thank you guys so much!!

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now