-Romulus Augustus- •I love you•

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A/N: Once again, I haven't seen this movie. I just made up a scenario, I hope you like it.

Romulus POV
"What do you want from me?" I asked them. One of the men stepped forward "Not you, that little girlfriend of yours. She belongs to us." He said. I chuckle "I didn't think so." I tell them. He stepped forward and grabs my face in his hand "She's my daughter, she belongs to me!" He tells me. I push his hand away "She's no child of yours, sir. Y/n is the sweetest girl in the world! And you are well...a thief and murderer, to not even mention the horrible smell coming from your mouth. Please sir, could you take a step back? My eyebrows are burning off." I told him. That's when I felt a blade pressed against my throat. The man in front of me chuckled "Not so tough now, young emperor." He said, "Now tell me where my daughter is so I can kill her for disobeying me." He says. I glare at him "You won't lay a finger on her! She's somewhere safe and secure where no one but me can find her." I told him. The person behind me pressed the blade harder against my throat.
He leaned down "Where is she?" "Not telling." I say. That's when the door to my left opened. A couple of guards walked inside. The men that had surrounded me tried to fight the guards. But they weren't strong enough. I stood back up. That's when someone else ran into the dark room.
The closer they came the better I could see their face. She wrapped her arms around me tightly "I'm so glad you're okay." She said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her as well "I wouldn't if it wasn't for you." I tell her, "Thanks for coming after me." I said. She kissed me briefly "Of course! Did you expect anything else from me?" She asked. The man from before walked past her "Y/n! Y/n, darling! It's me!" He said. She glared at him "Hello father, or should I call you 'The man who sold me because he didn't care about me'?" She asked him. I pulled her closer "It's okay, he will be executed by nightfall tomorrow." I tell her. She hugs me tightly "Thank you, Romulus." She said. I kissed her "Anything for you, Love." I said.

*The next Day*

We lied on my king-sized bed. Y/n was very happy today. I looked at her "Why are you so happy today?" I asked her. She shrugged "I guess I'm just glad to know you're safe now. I was very worried about you." She tells me. I brush some hair out of her face "You don't have to worry about me." I tell her. She sat up and looked at me "Oh really? They would've killed you if I hadn't shown up." She reminds me. I pull her on my lap "But I didn't. Thanks again, Love." I say. She smiles and lies back down on my chest "I love you." She says. I kiss the top of her head "I love you too. And, do me a favor, never lose that smile. It's beautiful." I tell her. She looks up at me and smiles "I'll try." She says.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now