-Casey- •Cry Baby•

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Your POV
I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. Again. I open my eyes and sit up straight before walking to the crib in our room. I picked up the baby and lied back down on my bed. Casey groaned and turned away from me "Please turn it off." he said. I giggle "It's kind of hard to turn off a baby." I tell him. He chuckles and turns back to me wrapping his arms around me "You look good like that." he says. I look at him "Like what?" I ask him. He brushes some hair out of my face "Like a mother. I can't thank you enough for taking care of this little one here, I honestly don't know what we would've done without you." He says. I kiss him briefly "Of course, and he's just the sweetest thing, how could someone not want to take care of him?" I say. The baby has fallen asleep on my chest. I kiss his head and lie it back down in his crib. Casey looks at me "You will be a great mother one day." He says. I lie back down in bed "Thank you, and you'll get the hang of the whole baby thing one day. When you do I am sure you will be a great dad and brother." I tell him. That's when the baby started to cry again. I sigh and get up again "Maybe he's hungry? Can't you breastfeed him?" He asks. I shake my head "I can't, I thought you knew that." I say. He shrugs "I just...you're a girl...with-" "I get it!" I giggle and let the baby fall asleep in my arms "Goodnight, Casey." I whisper. He pulls me closer again "Goodnight, Love." He whispers back.

A/N: I am trying to update. This school project is almost finished....ugh! I hate it so much! I'm trying guys. And the picture above is not my edit but credits to the one who made it.

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