-Thomas Sangster- •Love you, or not•

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Your POV
I walked around the crowded room. There was a party going on at my boyfriend Thomas's house. I'm trying to find him but I can't seem to find him anywhere. I wonder where that silly boy could be. Eventually, I found him standing against a wall talking to a girl. I'm okay with it, I am not the type of girl who gets jealous every time my boy is around another girl. Besides, they're just talking. I walk towards them "Tommy, I brought us some drinks." I say. But when I looked back up I saw them pulling each other closer and smashing their lips together. I dropped the cups and stood there with my mouth wide open. When they pulled away she whispered something in his ear. He turned around and saw me "Y/n...I can explain." he said drunk. He tried to get closer to me but I pushed him away "Stay away from me." I tell him and run away.
--End of Flashback--

I sat in class taking noted as the teacher talked. It has been a week since I ran away from Thomas. I run into him all the time in school, I am just trying to avoid him. I was just trying to focus on my school right now. Ever since Thomas and I started dating my grades started to drop, now I can see he was a bad influence on me. I'm glad I realized that now, and not at the end of the year. Suddenly the door of the classroom opens, I don't pay attention, it happens all the time. I heard a familiar British accent "Sir, I apologize for interrupting your lesson but could I maybe borrow Y/n for a second?" I look up and see Thomas. My teacher groans "Two minutes." He said. I remained seated "Go away, Thomas." I tell him. He groans and grabs my wrist pulling me with him. He pushes me against the wall, not hard so it didn't hurt, "Y/n, we need to talk." "There is nothing to talk about." I tell him. He sighs "Y/n, what happened at the party...I was drunk. I am not proud of what I did, not at all, but I want you back. I need you in my life." he says. I chuckle "Nice try, Thomas. I don't know what's sadder, that you're begging me to come back into your life or that you're just trying to brush everything off. You kissed another girl, I can't forgive you for that." I tell him. 

He didn't let me go "Y/n, I love you. Please, forgive me." He begs "I don't know if I can." I said and tried to walk away. He pulled me back "Y/n, please." he begs "Goodbye Thomas." I say and walk back to class.

A/N: Maybe a shitty ending but this is the ending of this imagine. I just wanted to say that I love it when you guys love my imagines but people keep asking me to write part 2 of some imagines, I don't mind making them sometimes but I don't want to write a part two every time I write a new imagine and some people want a happy or cheesy ending. Again, don't get me wrong, I love you guys and I appreciate you loving my stories. Thanks for understanding.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now