-Simon Brown- •Awkward...•

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A/N: This imagine was requested by Booksbabes_tam. This request is super cute. I tried to make the best out of it. Just so you all know, I was so tired so it might not be as good as usual but at least I tried.

Your POV
"Mother, I'm going to the Browns!" I yell. "Okay, Darling! Be back by five!" My mother said from the living room. I put on my coat "Yes, mother." I said. I opened the door and walked off to the neighbor's house. When I arrived I knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Evangeline opened the door "Hello, Y/n." She smiled. I smiled back "Hello, Evangeline. Where are the kids?" I asked her. She let me inside "They're upstairs in the playroom." She tells me. I took off my coat "Thank you, and may I say, I love that dress." I said. She smiled "Thank you." She said and walked back to the kitchen. I walked up the stairs and walked towards the playroom. I knocked on the door I heard some whispers "It's Y/n! No need to prank me." I tell them.
Eric opens the door "Sorry, Y/n, we thought you were the nanny." He said. I walked inside and looked up with the prank they had set up. "That's very impressive." I tell them. Crissy nods "It was Simon's idea." She says and points at her brother. We made eye contact but I broke it immediately "Oh." I said. Simon and I weren't very comfortable around each other. We used to, but as we grew older we didn't get along as well as we used to. I wish I was still as close to him when we were younger. It would make it so much easier for me to tell him I have a crush on him. I was very close to the other Brown children, but I can't tell them either. They will mock me for days, maybe weeks.
I got snapped out of my thoughts by the door opening and a bucket falls on the woman's head. Red paint trailed down her face and dress. Everyone started to laugh except for the Nanny. She was furious. "CHILDREN!!!" She screamed and started to run after us. Everyone splits up into different directions. I ran away into the halls of the house. I couldn't keep running forever so I  decided to hide in a closet. There was a little gap in the door so I could see her coming. "H-Hey Y/n." I jump at the sound of the voice behind me. I turned around and saw Simon. I glanced down at my feet "Hey Simon." I say quietly. Simon puts his hand on my waist and pushes me aside "I'll check if she's gone." He said. 
He peeked through the gap "She's coming." He said. He grabs my hand "There is nowhere to go, we're in big trouble." I tell him. He smirked and pushed open the back of the closet "I've got my ways." He said. We got out in time. I stood against the door and Simon stood in front of me. We were really close, I could feel his hot breath against my lips. He cleared his throat and backed up. We didn't say anything, we just stood there in silence. How could this afternoon get any more awkward? The other children join us in the room. Oh, they must've used their secret tunnels. 
Tora walked towards me "You two were alone?" She asked. I nodded slowly "Well, what happened?" She asked. I shrug "Nothing." I tell her. Tora is the only one who knows about my crush on Simon. She sighs "You have to tell him." She says. I shrug "I don't know." I tell her. She smiles "You will one day." She said.

We decided to hang out in the room for a while until the Nanny had calmed down. I sat by one of the windows with Tora. As we were talking my eyes trail towards Simon. He was so cute. Why can't I just man up and tell him what I feel?! Why?!

*A Few Days Later*

Tora asked me to come over tonight. It's kind of weird. We never go out at night. I met Tora in their backyard. I walked up to her "Hey." I said. She smiled "Hey Hey! Come on! We've got lots of things to do." She said. She grabs my hand and drags me somewhere in their yard. We arrived at a table with candles and food on it. I looked at Tora "What's going on?" I asked her. She smiled and points at something or someone behind me. I turned around and saw Simon. When I turned to Tora to argue with her she wasn't there. Simon and I just stood there in silence. I take a deep breath "I'm sorry. Tora is out of her mind." I tell him, "I have a crush on you." We said at the same time. He smiled "You have a crush on me?" He asked sweetly. I blushed ad nodded "Y-Yeah." I stuttered.
 Simon steps forward and holds my hand "Y/n, I'm sorry about pushing you away. I didn't mean to do that, I just didn't know how to tell you." He admits. I smiled at him "It's okay. I just wish we can put all this awkward stuff behind us and...start over? I miss my best friend." I told him. He smiled at me "I would like that." He said. I smiled back and kissed his lips briefly. He blushed and looked at the table "Seems like my siblings set up a date for us." He said. He pulls me along with him to the table and pulls out the chair for me like a real gentleman. 

Tora POV
"Do you think it worked?" Eric whispers. I nodded "I think it did. They look so cute together." I say. Crissy and Sebastian make kissy faces, trying to mock Simon. But he wasn't paying attention to us. His eyes were glued onto the girl in front of him. "Eric?" "Yes?" "Do you think we might have just made a mistake?" I asked him. He looked at me "How so?" He asked. I point at them "They're in love. Simon will steal her away from us and he will be distracted by her all the time." I said. Eric gasps "Oh no! What have we done? We just lost our brains." Eric said. Aggie giggled "Mistake." She giggled.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now