-Thomas Sangster- •Attention! Give me Attention!•

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Your POV
I take a sip of my coffee and sit back down at the table. My boyfriend, Thomas, walks into the kitchen of our apartment. His hair was messy and he was only wearing a pair of sweatpants. I bite my lip slightly as I saw his bare chest. He smirked, "See something you like, Love?" He asked. I smile "Indeed I do." I tell him. He smiles and kisses the top of my head "Good morning, Love." he says. I smile back at him "Good morning, Tommy." I say and focus back on my writing. I've been working extremely hard lately, and my hard work is paying off. Thomas puts his head on my shoulder "What's ya doing?" He asks me. I giggle "I'm working." I tell him. He frowns "This early?" He asks. I nod and kiss his cheek "I need to focus." I tell him. He smiles and kisses the top of my head "Alright, Love, I won't bother you. You keep doing your job and just scream if you need something." He says. I smile "Thank you, Tommy." I say and focus on my laptop. Thomas didn't leave. I glance over my shoulder "Is something wrong?" I ask him. He shakes his head "No of course not. I just love to see you while you're working." He says. I smile "Alright, but could you maybe admire me in another room?" I ask him. He smiles and kisses me "Of course, Love. Good Luck." he says.

*Time Skip*

I was sitting on the couch typing on my laptop. Thomas jumps next to me "What are you doing?" He asks. I glance at him "I am still working." I tell him. He pouts "I thought you were done with that." He says, "I haven't even had my hug yet." He whines. I glare at him "Thomas, I have to finish this first, then you can get your hug." I tell him. He puts and leaves again "You're mean." He says. I let out a chuckle "And you're supposed to be an adult man!" I tell him. I let my eyes focus back on the screen again. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Thomas trying to sneak back in again "Thomas." I warn. He sighs "Okay." He says. I shake my head and try to ignore him. Once again he joined me in the living room "Brought you some tea." He said. I smile "Thank you, Tommy." I say. He smiles back and just stands there... I glance at him "Something wrong?" I ask him. He sighs "You've been on your laptop all day!" He whines. I sigh "Tommy, I have to work. I have to leave you alone while you're working." I remind him. He glares at me "That's different!" He says. I shake my head "No it isn't. Just give me five more minutes." I tell him. He shook his head "You said that two hours ago." He said sadly and left the room.

*Time Skip*

I sat on our bed, still typing words. Thomas was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and he was not happy. Yes, I've been on my laptop all day, but this book is almost finished. I was typing as quickly as I can, I am so tired, but I want to finish this so badly. But suddenly my laptop was closed. Thomas looked at me angrily "Even at bedtime?" He asks. I groan "Thomas! Stop whining and let me finish this book!" I say. He throws my laptop off the bed "No! I deserve to get some attention now." he says and kisses me. I kiss back for a couple of seconds before pushing him away "Let me finish the book." I say. He shakes his head and traps me in his arms "You are not going anywhere." He said, "You are going to spend the whole night in my arms." He says. I sigh "Fine. But I will finish that book tomorrow." I tell him. He chuckles "You said that two weeks ago." "Shut up." I tell him.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now