-Thomas Sangster- •The Bodyguard•

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A/n: This imagine was requested by Msvikings78. I hope you liked it. And I love this picture of Thomas. It has nothing to do with the chapter, I just wanted to share it with you guys. And sorry for not updating again. I wanted to update yesterday, but I forgot.

Your POV
"Please move out of the way." Thomas said. He pushed the people around me away.
I was on my way to get some Starbucks coffee when people started appearing. Fans and paparazzi. A bodyguard wasn't necessary until now.
I've been getting a lot of threats lately.
Outside and on social media. Some people have even tried to attack me a couple of weeks ago, Thomas saved me back then.
When I looked up, there were flashing lights everywhere. People were asking thousands of questions. Some were yelling and screaming; others had a calm tone in their voices. I started to freak out.
Thomas quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me away from everyone. He guided me into Starbucks and never left my side as we waited.
"Thank you, Thomas, for keeping me safe." I said. He smiled at me.
"That's my job, Y/n." He tells me. I smiled back at him. After a couple of minutes, I got my coffee and we hurried back to the car. 

*Time Skip*

I sat on the couch in my apartment. I was scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. There were so many comments.
So many threats. I don't understand, how I get so much hate?
Is it because of my character on the show? Is it because I said something wrong? Did I do something that wasn't appropriate in their eyes?
Thomas walked in and sat next to me. He glanced at me and saw I was reading the comments on Instagram. He took my phone out of my hands and put it on the table. "I don't know what to do, Thomas. I just don't seem to understand why they hate me." I tell him. He scooted closer to me. "Try to ignore them." He tells me.
He gently lies my legs over his lap. "How? I can't even unlock the door by myself because there might be people out there. You're almost forced to live here for my safety. Thomas, I don't want this anymore." I say desperately. He slowly runs his hands up and down my legs. "Don't give up, Y/n, you're stronger than this." He tells me.
I sighed and run my hand through my hair. "I'm not, Thomas." I said. He smiled at me. "Yes, you are. You are strong, you're confident, you're smart. I know that you will figure out a way to get through this. And when you do, I'll be by your side." He tells me.
I smiled at him. "Thank you, Thomas." I say.
He smiled and started to massage my feet. I smiled and threw my head back slightly. Thomas is a true friend. He helps me whenever I'm upset and makes me feel a lot better.
Thomas and I went to school together. After high school we kind of lost touch. I'm glad he's back in my life. I got snapped out of my thoughts my him starting to tickle my feet. "Thomas! Thomas stop!" I laughed. He, of course, didn't stop. When he stopped I sat up and started to tickle him. He stopped me by pulling me onto his lap. We looked into each other's eyes. He pulls me closer and pressed his lips against mine.

*Six Years Later*

"I do." I said. "Then I pronounce you now as husband and wife." He said.
Thomas pulled me closer and locked our lips. I then felt something tugging at my dress. I glanced down and saw my son Theo.
I smiled and picked him up. "Mommy and Daddy married now?" He asked me. I nodded and kissed his head. William and Rose ran towards us from the crowd as well and hugged us tightly. After we first kissed we decided to try and date for a while.
A while turned into months, months turned into years and here we are. Thomas pulled me closer and kissed my temple. "I love you." He said. I smiled up at him. "I love you too." I said. He then leaned down to my ear as he glanced down at our kids.
"Maybe we should make another one?" He smirked. I blushed slightly and shook my head. "I think we have enough." I said and kissed him.
"Mommy! Can I have some cake?" Theo asked me. I gently pushed Thomas away. "I'll see you later." I said.
I took my son's hand and guided him to the buffet. "Seriously, we've been married for two minutes and you're already leaving me for another man?" Thomas joked. I laughed. "Sorry, he's too cute." I said. 

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now