-Thomas Sangster- •Valentines Day•

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Your POV
I slowly started to wake up by a soft touch on my head. Someone was stroking my hair. I look up and see Thomas. I start to smile "Morning." I smile. He smiles back "Good morning, my love." He said. I peck his lips briefly "Happy Valentines day." I smile "Happy Valentines day." He says. He kisses me and holds me tightly. I giggle and hug him back "Presents!!" I say. Thomas chuckles "Later," he said, "First we are going to have breakfast." I pout "Presents!" I say. I cross my arms over my chest "Aww, such a needy girl." He whispered in my ear and kisses my neck. I giggle "Breakfast first then presents, alright?" He asks. I nod and grab his hands pulling him out of bed "Food!!" I said. Thomas chuckles again and picks me up in bridal style "You are adorable." He said "Thank you!" I say.

Thomas sets me down on the counter top "Now be a good girl and don't touch anything." He said. I pout "Why not?" I ask him. He smiles and kisses my forehead "You're clumsy, Darling." He chuckles. I shrug "So? I wanna help!" I tell him. He puts his hands on my waist "You can make us some tea and get your present." He suggests. I nod and do as he told me. I rush upstairs to grab the envelope. When I walked back into the kitchen Thomas had put our plates on the table. I sat down on his lap "Happy valentines day!" I say and hand him the envelope. He opened it "Tickets?" He asks. I giggle "So you can see Dylan, Ki-Hong, and everyone else." I smile. His eyes widen "Honey...h-how did you do this?" He asks. I shrug "I asked them if they wanted to have a little reunion, and they agreed. So together we bought some tickets so you can visit them." I tell him. He hugs me tightly "Thank you, Darling." He said and kisses my cheek.

"Time for your present." He said. He stood up and covered my eyes "Tommy." I giggle "Shh, you're going to love this!" He said. We walked into another room, I couldn't see which room. I was so excited! Thomas stopped "Alright! Hold out your hands and keep your eyes closed." He said and removed his hands. I hold out my hands, I felt something soft on my hands "Open your eyes." He said. I open my eyes "Aww!! Thank you, Tommy!!" I say and hug the little teddy bear. Thomas smiled "That's not everything." He said. He stepped aside revealing a huge teddy bear. I screamed and jumped onto the huge teddy bear, still holding the smaller one. I look up at Thomas "Thank you, Tommy!!" I say.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day!

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now