-Thomas Sangster- •Soccer•

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A/n: This one was requested by Msvikings78 and I really liked this request! I tried to make the best out of it. I know nothing about soccer. I once again apologize for not updating a lot. I just haven't been feeling a lot like writing lately. Especially about Thomas. I hope you still liked it

Your POV
"Alright, Girls, we have to give everything! This is our last match and we can't give up now." I tell my teammates. They nod "Alright, so when we walk out there we are going to crush those losers." I said. Everyone cheered and we ran out onto the field.
I am the captain of the soccer team and this is our last game of the season. We have to win! I glanced at the crowd. My eyes widened when my eyes fell on someone I did not expect to see here. I saw Thomas and his friend Dexter sitting there looking at me.
I smiled and waved at him. He waved back and blew me a kiss. I smiled and focused back on the field. I saw the other team walking onto the field. I took a deep breath and started to run. It went great. We passed the ball to each other perfectly.
I noticed Thomas either recording me or taking pictures. I didn't mind. He's always been very supportive and has always shown interest. He might be the best boyfriend a girl could wish for. I love him so much! I was really surprised when I saw him sitting there. He said he probably wouldn't be able to make it. I got snapped back to reality when I felt my back hit the ground. I groaned in pain "AH!" I screamed. My ankle was hurting so much!
Thomas ran towards me from the crowd "Baby! What happened?" He asks. I sighed "I got lost in my thoughts. I should've tried to focus more! I'm so stupid! I've ruined everything!" I said. He holds me tightly "It's not your fault. Everybody loses focus sometimes. Besides, it's against the rules to tackle someone." He said. I sighed "But I wasn't paying attention." I said.
My coach ran towards me as well "Y/n, what happened?" He asked. I sighed "I lost focus. My ankle hurts." I tell him. He groaned "We are toast." He said. I looked up at him "Who said I wouldn't continue playing?" I asked him. He smiled a little as he looked down at me "I do. Baby, you're injured. If you play the rest of the game it could only get worse." Thomas said. He picked me up "Tommy, please! Let me finish the game!" I begged him.
He shakes his head "Not happening." He said. I started to pout and show my puppy eyes. He groans "Fine. But you have to promise me, you will sit down if it hurts too much." He tells me. I nodded and jumped out of his arms "Thanks, Tommy." I said.
Thomas sat back down on the bleachers and I stood next to my friends on the field. Emma glanced at me "Are you sure you don't want to sit down?" She asked. I shook my head "Pains in my ankle won't stop me from winning this game." I tell her. She smiled at me "That's my girl." She said. Then I heard everyone on the bleachers cheering for us to motivate us. It was our last chance to win. We ran and ran...and shot the ball right into the goal.
We all cheered! We won! That's when Thomas ran towards me and picked me up "You were amazing!" He said. I smiled at him "Thank you, Tommy. And thank you for coming." I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek "Of course! I wouldn't have missed such an important game. Now, you need to rest." He said. I nodded and let him carry me home. What did I say? Best boyfriend ever!

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now