-Thomas Sangster- •Burglar•

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Thomas POV
"Mom, I'm fine don't worry about me." I tell her. I heard her sigh through the speaker of my phone "I know, I just miss you." She said. I chuckle and open my front door "You still have Ava." I tell her "I'll come to visit you somewhere next week alright? I have to go now." I tell her. She says goodbye and ends the phone call. My mom still hasn't got used to me having my own place now. I like it a lot, no mother to kick you out of bed every day. I kicked off my shoes and walked upstairs to put on some sweatpants. When I walked into my room I thought I heard something in the guest room. I shrug and change my clothes. I put on my sweatpants and leave my shirt off. It's my house, I can do whatever the hell I want. It's not like someone's here watching me. I turned off the lights in my bedroom and walked towards the stairs. Before I could walk down the stairs I was cut off by another sound. It wasn't loud or anything. It just sounded like a door closing. I slowly made my way over to the guest room. First I checked if I heard something else. Nothing. I turned on the lights to reveal nothing but an empty room "Strange." I whisper. I turn the lights off again before heading downstairs.

Your POV
I sigh quietly in relief. The rich guy almost caught me. I opened the closet doors again and got out. I made my way over to the windows and tried to open them, sadly they were locked with a key. Shit. I carefully push the door a little further trying not to make any sounds. I am not proud of my job, but sometimes you just do what you gotta do. A girl's gotta eat. I made my way over to the stairs and started to carefully make my way down the stairs. I didn't see the owner of the house anywhere so I carefully made my way over to the door. When I wanted to open a door I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I glanced over my shoulder "Shit." I whisper and started to pull on the doorknob. 

The door never opened "What are you doing in my house?" He asks. I didn't answer, I am going to end up in jail...oh no! He slowly stepped closer to me "You're a burglar." He said. I hold up my hands "Please don't call the cops." I plead. He slowly starts to make his way towards me "Depends." he said. I started to cry "Please...I just want to eat." I cry. He eyes me up and down "You don't have any money?" He asks. I shake my head "Please, I will give you back your money...just please don't call the cops." I plead and hold out his money. He puts his hands on my cheeks "I won't call the cops." he says and rubs some dirt of my cheeks "I am going to help you." He says. I shake my head "Please don't...I-I'll just go. I am so sorry." I tell him. He pulls me back "I am not letting you go out there by yourself."  He says. I couldn't help it but look at his chest. He chuckled "You like what you see, Love?" He smiled. I blushed slightly "Sorry, Sir." "Please, call me Thomas." He said. I nod slowly "O-Okay. I'm Y/n." I tell him. He smiled "Alright Y/n, why don't you take a bath and I'll make you something to eat." He suggests. I shake my head "No please-" I start "Please Y/n, I want to help you." He says.

A/N: Maybe a part 2?

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now