-Romulus Augustus- •For the Emperor!•

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*Two Years Ago*

Your POV
I woke up by the knocks on my door. I groaned and buried my head under my pillow. "Your highness, may I come in?" Someone asked. I sat up straight in my bed. "Come in," I said as I rubbed my eyes. My bedroom door opened and a maid stepped inside.
"Morning," I said. She glanced down at her hands. "Morning, your highness. I'm afraid I have terrible news." She said. "What is it? Did my brother marry a girl from the village?" I asked her. She shook her head. "I'm afraid your brother is dead." She said.
I glanced at her. "No, that can't be," I said in a whisper. "I am sorry." She said. Tears started to form in my eyes. "Your highness-" She started. "What happened?" I cut her off. "An emperor burned down one of our villages." She said. I stood up from my bed. "Does anyone else know?" I asked her. She shook her head. "I will tell the people, spread the word," I said.
She nodded. "Yes, your highness.Tell me if you need any help." She said. I nodded and walked towards my closet. She left my bedroom leaving me by myself. I broke down and cried my eyes out. My brother is dead.
I will be forced to marry some prince so he can become the new king. My brother wouldn't have it. He said, 'The princess will marry someone out of love, not out of power.'. I have to be strong, like him, for my people. I wiped my tears away. I stood up and opened my closet.

*Time Skip*

I stepped out onto the balcony. Hundreds of people were gathered around the castle. I took a deep breath. "May I have your attention please," I said.
All eyes were on me now. I took another deep breath. "You all might be wondering why I called you here," I said. "The truth is... the king, my brother, is dead," I tell them. People gasped and their eyes widened. They couldn't believe it.
I hold up my hand. "Please. I understand you might be upset, scared. I am too. There is no emperor anymore, and I am not allowed to marry, those were my brother's orders." I said."Then who will lead us?" I heard from the crowd.
More people joined him. I once again hold up my hand. "That there is no emperor doesn't mean there can't be an empress," I said. "You? You are going to lead us?" Someone asked. "A woman can't be a leader! We need an emperor!" Someone else yelled.
More people joined. I tried to calm them down, but I couldn't with a simple hand movement. People started to scream and raised their fists. "QUIET!!" I screamed. "I won't marry a prince or a lord. I will pick up where my brother left off. And I promise you this,whoever murdered my brother, I will hunt them down and kill them. I don't care who you are, where you are, I will find you!You will pay for what you've done! For the emperor!" I yelled raising my fist. Everyone else raised their fists. "For the emperor!" They yelled. I turned around to look at my servents. "Get my horse ready," I said.


Romulus POV
"I demand you let me go!" I ordered. The man chuckled and walked away. "I am your emperor! Free me!" I demanded.How dare they? "Not to them." I heard a female voice say. I glanced up and saw a silhouette on the wall. "What do you want from me?" I asked. The silhouette became smaller.A girl walked into the room. I chuckled. "You're the one who kidnapped me? Love, if you wanted to marry me you could've just asked. To be honest, I don't think I could've said no." I said as I eyed her up and down. She walked past the two other men.They kneeled down. "Empress." They said. I raised my eyebrow. "You're an emperor?" I asked her. "Empress." She corrected me. "Whatever. Can I go now?" I asked her. She chuckled and puts a knife to my throat. "You are not going anywhere. Your father killed my brother and burned one of my villages." She said. "I want revenge." She tells me.I chuckled. "My father's dead. No need to be angry anymore! Can I go now?" I asked her. She presses the blade harder against my skin. "It takes an empress to take down an emperor. I want revenge for the death of my brother. An eye for an eye." She said. I shrugged."I get it, you're furious, but why take it out on me?" I asked her. "You will pay for your father's actions. He murdered innocent people." She tells me. "I might be blood-related to him, but he didn't care about me," I tell her. She chuckled. "I don't care about that. Your father almost killed my people by killing their leader. When I kill you, I will take over. The roman empire will be mine." She said. I chuckled. "My people would never follow you, they would rather die," I tell her. She glanced over her shoulder. "Leave us." She said. The two men walked towards her. "Scream if you need us." They said. She nodded and watched as they left us. She glanced at me. "Tell me, Romulus, have you ever fought a war?" She asked me. How does she know my name? "No," I tell her. She puts the knife against my cheek. "Have you?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No, but I have killed before." She said. "Do you want to kill me?" I asked her. She shrugged and removed her knife from my cheek. "Maybe I do." She said. I glanced at her. "Listen, I have a great solution for both of us. You want revenge and power, so do I, maybe we should compromise and combine our two kingdoms." I suggest. She raised her eyebrow. "And why would I accept that offer?" She asked. I shrugged. "No war, an empire, a good looking man by your side," I smirked. She shook her head. "I don't need a man." She said. "Then at least try to trust me. If you kill me you will have hundreds of thousands of people trying to kill you." I tell her. "My people want you dead!" She said. "But what do you want?" I asked her. We just stared at each other after that, both not knowing what to say.

 *Time Skip*

Your POV
I run after Romulus. "Get him!" I yelled at my knights. Some of them ran after him, two stayed behind. "Your highness, what happened?" They asked. "Bastard broke out," I tell them. "We will find him, we promise." They said. I glanced at them. "I know you will. Now, take me back home." I said. They nodded and brought me to the horses. As I climbed on top of my horse, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Romulus running. I smirked a little. "Well played, Rome," I whispered. "I'll see you there." dhdf 

A/n: To be honest, I didn't really know what to write. So I just wrote something 😂😂 I hope you liked it though

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