-Thomas Sangster- •Babysitting Date•

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Your POV
"Aww!! Come to Auntie Y/n!" I say as my sister walks in with her son. Her three-year-old son, Ryan, ran towards me. I picked him up and hugged him tightly. My sister smiled at me "Thank you so much for babysitting, Lil' sis, I owe you one." She said. I smiled at her "Of course! I finished all my homework for school so I have all the time in the world for my nephew!" I say and tickle him. He giggles loudly "So are mom and dad out?" My sister asked.
I nodded "Yup! They'll be back tonight." I told her. My sister is a couple of years older than I am. She and her boyfriend accidentally got pregnant but decided to keep the baby. He's the sweetest kid I have ever met. He's adorable! Ryan kissed his mother's cheek "Bye Mommy!" He said. My sister smiled "Bye baby. Mommy is going to pick you up later, be nice to Auntie Y/n okay?" She asked. The little boy nodded. My sister thanked me again and walked out of the house. I looked at Ryan "What would you like to do?" He points at a bag my sister brought along with her.
I sat him down and he ran towards the bag. I opened it and it was filled with toys. He picked some of his cars and motorcycles and sat on the couch.
I played along with him for a while until the doorbell rang. I walk to the front door and opened it. Thomas, my boyfriend, stood in front of me "Hello Beautiful lady, ready for our date?" He asked. I cocked up my eyebrow "What?" "Our date? We were going to have a pizza night?" He said. I facepalmed myself "I forgot about that. Tommy, I am so sorry!" I tell him. He smiled and puts his hands on my waist "It's okay." He said. I gently push him away "No Tommy, I'm babysitting. We have to move date night." I tell him. Ryan came running towards me and hugged my leg "Auntie Y/n, that's not daddy!" He said.

I picked him up "It's okay, Ryan, this is Tommy." I tell him. Ryan hides his face in the crook of my neck. I giggled "Don't be afraid. Tommy is a nice boy." I tell him. Thomas stepped closer to me and Ryan. Thomas probably noticed the motorcycle toy Ryan was holding "Does he like motorcycles?" Thomas asked. I nodded "Yeah, why?" "I have mine right here." He says. I look at Ryan "Hey, Tommy here has his own motorcycle. Do you want to see it?" I asked the little boy. He nodded shyly. Thomas and I walked outside to his motorcycle. Ryans' eyes opened wide and a wide smile appeared on his face. Thomas showed him some things and even let him sit on it.
He's pretty good with kids. It's adorable!

*Time Skip*

I walked into the living room with some drinks when I saw Ryan fast asleep next to Thomas. Thomas smiled at me. I sat next to them on the couch "I'm sorry about date night. We can order some pizza later tonight." I suggest. He carefully sits up "Are you kidding? I had a great day today. Kind of makes me want to get one of my own." He said. I smiled at him "We're too young." I tell him. He brushes some hair out of my face "That doesn't mean I can't dream of it." He said and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and kissed him back. That's when the front door opened "I'm back! Where's my baby?" My sister said as she walked in. She walked into the living room and saw Thomas "Hey Thomas! I didn't know you were coming over. It's so nice to see you again!" She said. Thomas stood up and hugged her "It's good to see you too." He said. I carefully picked up Ryan and handed him to my sister "There you go. He's been so sweet today. Thomas tired him out." I tell her. She smiled "Really? I didn't know you were good with kids." She said. Thomas shrugged "I picked some stuff up from my little sister." He said. My sister smiled "I can't wait to babysit your baby when you get one." She said. She thanked us again and left. Thomas pulled me back onto the couch onto his lap "One of the best dates we've ever had." He tells me. I smiled and kissed him briefly before lying on his chest.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now