-Thomas Sangster- •Are you jealous?•

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A/n: I have been obsessed with this movie "Call me by your name" for the past week. I'm so sad that I'm jumping into the fandom three years after the movie was released. And I am telling you this because you might know the movie or the book. If you do, I think you'll like this one. And if you don't, I suggest you check it out. I loved it so much! I'll stop talking now.

Your POV
"Darling? Have you seen my shoes anywhere?" Thomas asked me. I shook my head "No. Maybe they're in the closet?" I said. He shook his head "No, they're not there. I've checked the whole hotel room." He said. I stood up "Then wear other shoes? I'm kind of surprised to have this conversation with you because it's usually the girl who's all about her shoes." I said.
He just looks at me "Just put on another pair." I laughed, "No one will notice." I said. He shook his head "No, they will notice. I need a black pair of shoes! I can't put on the brown pair." He said. I rolled my eyes at him. "You have multiple pairs of black shoes." I reminded him. "But these were my favorite!" He whines. I just looked at him, not saying anything.
He sighs and turns away from me "Fine! I'll put on another pair." He said. I laughed and walked towards the mirror to check my dress and make-up. (Your dress)

I walked into the living room and saw Thomas putting on his shoes

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I walked into the living room and saw Thomas putting on his shoes. I checked my phone "Tom, we have to go." I said. He jumps up "Alright. The limo is outside waiting for us." He said. We walked out of our hotel room and went outside.
Thomas and I were going to the premiere of this new movie, I am so excited. It's called 'The Blue Ruby' and it's about a girl who gets enchanted after she touches a blue ruby.
(It's a title and plotline I made up. It's not a real movie, as far as I know at least)
I've been wanting to see this movie ever since the trailer was out. Thomas and I sat in the limousine with some other actors and actresses.
Thomas leaned down to my ear "I love that dress." He whispered, "You're really beautiful. But why did you put on make-up?" He asked me.
I shrugged "Because I thought I would need it." I giggled quietly. He smiled and stroked my cheek "You don't need that, you're breathtaking without it." He tells me like he does every day.
We just sat in the limousine and chatted with the other actors and actresses and waited to arrive at the red carpet.
I checked my Instagram and also posted a picture of everyone in the limo. Including the driver! Within seconds hundreds of people who follow me liked and commented on the photos. 

We arrived at the red carpet. Thomas and I linked arms and we walked in front of the paparazzi. We smiled as they took pictures of us. I kissed his cheek and walked towards some reporters who wanted to ask me some questions "You are beautiful tonight!" He said. I smiled "Thank you so much." I said. He smiled back "So are you excited to see this movie?" He asked.
I nodded "Yes! I watched the trailer like a hundred times when it got released and I just couldn't wait for the movie to come out." I answered.
He nodded "And Y/n, may I call you that?" He asked me. I nodded "Alright. You have a lot of fans, I am one of them. I love all of the movies you've been a part of, you are such a talented actress! Call me by your name was my absolute favorite!" He said. I blushed "Aww, thank you." I said.
He smiled and continued "So, I'm sure people have asked you this question a lot lately, but we need an answer. What will be your next movie, show, or project you will be working on?" He asked. I started to smile "I can't really say anything about that because nothing's confirmed yet. But I am working on a new project you guys will just have to wait for me to find out." I tell him. He smiled and thanked me.
Then another interviewer walked up to me "Hello Y/n Y/l/n! You look stunning tonight!" She said. I smiled "Thank you so much! I love your dress as well." I tell her.
She smiled "Thank you! So you came here with your boyfriend Thomas Brodie Sangster." She said. I nodded and looked at him talking to someone on the other side "Yes." "So, there have been rumors of you two working on a new project together." She said.
I nodded "Yes we are. Sadly I can't reveal anything yet, we will all have to be patient. The only thing I can say about it is that.
Thomas and I have been working very hard on this and we can't wait to show the world." I smiled. "So you two have been together for a long time. Tell me, how do you two keep things interesting between you two?" She asked. I started to smile "Well, we are apart a lot of the time because of our movies and shows, but when we're together, like right now, we just try to enjoy every second of it." I tell her.
She wanted to ask another question but she got stopped by something behind me. Then I felt arms wrap around me. I turned around and saw Timothée Chalamet! I smiled and hugged him tightly "Hey!" I said.
He was my costar on 'Call me by your name' alongside Armie Hammer. We pulled apart "It's so great to see you here!" He said. I smiled from ear to ear, "It's great to see you here too! I've missed you so much!" I said. He smiled and put his arm around my waist and we face the paparazzi. When we finished we walked off to a little more privet spot.
He looked at me "You look beautiful!" He said. I smiled "You look very handsome yourself. Why didn't you say you were going to the red carpet?" I asked him.
He shrugged "I didn't know you were coming. By the way, it's not just me here." He said.
I started to smile "Armie's here too?" I said. He nodded "Yeah! Come on!" He said and tried to pull me with him. I stopped him "I have to tell Thomas I'm leaving, I don't want him to worry. I can't wait for you guys to meet!" I tell him. He nodded "Alright, I'll see you in a minute okay?" He asked me.
I nodded and rushed towards Thomas. I stood next to him and we took some more pictures "Tim and Armie are here. I'm going to have a little chat with them, alright? You can join us if you want." I suggest. He shakes his head "I'll meet them later. I have to talk to the paparazzi some more." He said. I nodded "Okay, see you later!" I said. 

"Hey!" Armie said as his eyes fell on me. I smiled and hugged him as tightly as I could "Hey big guy." I said. He smiled at me "You look beautiful." He said. Tim chuckled "That's what I said." He said. I giggled "So how have you two been?" I asked them.
They both shrugged "Alright." They said, "How are you?" Armie asked. Tim smirked, "You and your boy huh?" He said. I laughed "We're alright, I'm alright. Thomas will come and join us later so you guys can meet him." I tell them.
We catch up on multiple things like carriers and Armies kids, stuff like that. We have been trying to have a little reunion, but it just never happened because of work. Then I felt hands on my waist "I'm here." Thomas said.
I smiled "Good! Armie, Tim, this is Thomas. Thomas, Armie, and Tim." I said. The shook hands "Hey man, I've heard a lot about you." Armie said. Tim chuckled "That's mostly because she won't shut up about him." He laughed. I smacked his chest playfully "Shut it, Timmy." I said.
He laughed and wrapped his arms around my shoulder "You love it when I embarrass you." He said. I laughed "I do not!" I said.
Armie smiled at us "Sometimes I think you two should've been the couple." He said. Thomas chuckled "Maybe, I loved the movie by the way. Y/n wants to watch it at least twice a week because she misses you guys so much." Thomas said.
Armie smirked "Aww! Did you miss us?" He mocked me. Tim joined him. I laughed and walked back to Thomas "Shut it, boys. Oh! The movie's about to start! Shall we?" I said.

*Time Skip*

I was laughing with Tim and Armie. They left to get us some drinks Thomas silently sat next to me. He seemed a little annoyed. I looked at him "What's wrong?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes "Nothing, my dear." He said sarcastically. I glared at him "Thomas." I said.
He sighs "Will he ever stop flirting with you?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrow "What are you talking about?" I asked him. He folded his arms over his chest "Timothée." He said, "He's obviously flirting with you." He says. I started to laugh a little "What are you laughing at? The hugs, the jokes, the smirks, he even held your hand and had his hands on your waist." He said.
I giggle "Are you jealous?" I asked him. He took a sip from his drink "No, of course not! I just don't like it when other guys flirt with my girlfriend." He said.
I could clearly see it in his eyes, he was jealous. I hold his hand "Tim isn't flirting with me. We're really good friends, Tommy, nothing to worry about." I tell him, "And no reason to be jealous. I love you, not Timothée. Okay?" I said. He nodded "Okay. I'm sorry. I get a little jealous sometimes when you're around other guys. Especially when they're kind of good looking." He admitted. I smiled "I get it. But I'm your girlfriend, no one else's." I tell him.
He smiled and kissed my cheek "Thank you, Darling." He said. Armie and Tim returned with their drinks and we had a great time together.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now