-Rafe Sadler- •Sick•

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A/N: I haven't seen this show or movie whatever it is, I haven't seen it. So don't expect this to be very good😂 I haven't seen Wolf Hall so I don't know his character or any of the other characters. If someone could maybe give me some information about his character and the stow, please, it could help me write better imagines. You can send it in the comments or privet messages. Thank you! I tried to make the best out of it. Enjoy!

Rafe POV
I knock on the door "Y/n, are you awake?" I say. She didn't answer "Y/n?" I say and open the door. The door slowly opened revealing Y/n lying in her bed. I step towards her bed "Y/n, it's time to get up. Y/n, love?" I slowly pull the covers off her face. Her face was pale, her eyes were closed, and she was breathing slowly. I kneel next to her "Y/n, are you alright?" I ask her. I press the back of my hand against her temple "You're sick." I say breathily. She coughs "Rafe, you should step back. I don't want you to get sick." She says quietly. I hold her hand "Love, I am not leaving your side." I tell her. She yanks her hand out of mine "Rafe, leave." She says. I frown "Love, what's going on?" I ask her. Before she could answer Thomas walked in. He had a worried expression on his face "It's the girls." he said. (I do know Rafe said it in the show. I watched some videos online to prepare myself for this imagine) I glance at Y/n and back at Thomas "What are you talking about?" I ask him. He walks towards me "Almost every girl in the castle is sick." He tells me.

I glance at Y/n "Is she going to be alright?" I ask him. He sighs "I don't know." He whispers. I feel her hand reaching out and grabbing my hand "Rafe, am I going to die?" She asks weakly. I smile weakly at her "No, you're not going to die, you just need some rest. Get some sleep and I'll bring you some water." I tell her. She nods slowly and grips the sheets tightly as she closes her eyes. Thomas and I leave her room. Thomas walks towards one of the windows and sighs "She's going to die isn't she?" I ask him. He doesn't answer. I stand next to him "She's fifteen, she's too young to die." I tell him. He glances at me "I know that Rafe, but I can't save her. I don't know why they're sick, I don't know what made them sick, and I don't know if they will survive." He said. I sigh and glance at him "Isn't there anything we can do?" I ask him. He shakes his head "Not that I could think of." He said. He puts his hand on my shoulder "I know you love her, but there is nothing we can do." He said.

*Time Skip*

I held Y/n's hand tight tightly. I can't imagine what she was going through right now. It looked like she was in a lot of pain. I kiss the top of her hand "Everything will be okay, Love. I'm here and I won't leave your side. I love you." I whisper. I could see a small smile planted on her lips. The door opened again and Thomas walked in "Thomas?" I say. He has a little smile on his face "I found it." He said "I found the cure." my eyes widened "You did?" He nods and holds up a plant. He rushes towards Y/n "It doesn't taste very well, but it makes you feel a lot better." He tells her. She nods slowly and eats the plant. After she swallowed it she lies back down on her bed "Thank you." She says "Of course." Thomas smiles. Thomas and I walk out of her room "I wanted to thank you. You saved her life if there is anything I can do to repay you." I say "I'll think of something. Now go back there, she needs you." He smiles.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now