-Simon Brown- •Cute Couple•

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Your POV
The Brown family, Nanny McPhee, and I were at the beach.
Simon and Sebastian were flying with their kites. I was struggling a bit with mine so I gave up and put the kite down. When I wanted to walk away Simon
grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back. I glanced at him "What's wrong?" I asked him. He smiled at me " Come on, I'll teach you." He said.
He handed the lead of the kite. He stood behind me and puts his hands over mine. I watched as the kite
slowly rose into the sky. I smiled "See? It's not that hard." Simon whispered in my ear. I blushed slightly and looked up at the kite again. I felt his hands on my waist "You're so cute when you're happy." He said. I giggled and tried to focus.
We stood there for a while until Nanny McPhee called us back. Simon held my hand as we made our way back home. I blushed the whole time
 As we walked into the house Simon pulled me into the study room. I giggled "What's wrong?" I asked him.
He smiled at me "I just wanted to spend some more time with you until one of my siblings tried to steal you again." he tells me. I blushed "You've just spent an entire day with me at the beach." I tell him. He brushed some hair
out of my face "But now we are alone." He said. I smiled at him "Let's go back to your family." I said and pulled him along with me.
He kissed my cheek as we walked out of the study room.

*Time Skip*

I walked over to my bed as I brushed my hair. Simon walked up behind me "Want me to brush it?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded "Thank you." I said.
He smiled as he brushed my hair slowly. I saw Tora smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out to her making her do the same thing. The Brown siblings always teased Simon and me, that's why Simon often wants alone time with me. Sadly, with five other
siblings, you don't have a lot of alone time. Nanny McPhee walked in "Time for bed, children." She said.
Simon didn't move. He continued to brush and braid my hair. Nanny McPhee walked towards us "Simon, would you please go to bed?" She asked politely.
He looked up at her "One second, Nanny McPhee, I'm almost finished." He tells her.
When he finished he kissed my cheek "Sweet dreams." he said and walked to his own bed. I blushed again "Sweet dreams."  I said. Nanny McPhee turned
off the lights and walked away. After a couple of minutes, I sneaked out of my bed and climbed into Simon's. He smiled at me and holds me tightly "I love you." He whispered. I smiled and played with his hair "I love you too." I said.
He leaned in and kissed me on my lips, something he doesn't do when anyone else is around. I blushed and snuggled into his chest.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now