-Jake Murray- •Gunshot•

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Your POV
My footsteps were heard on the sidewalk as I walked down the street. There was no one else on the streets, I was alone. I felt safer, nobody you don't know walking behind you. I felt ... until a group of boys my age walked by. They seemed drunk. One of them had a cigarette in his mouth. I ignore them and accelerated my pace. A cold breeze brushed across my skin. I wrapped my arms around myself as I continued walking. I heard footsteps behind me, I glanced over my shoulder and saw the group of teenagers walk after me. I heard them call after me as we walked "Hey! Beautiful, could you please help us?" One says. He sounded less drunk than his friends. I stopped walking for a second and turned around. The teenager smiled at me "Hello sweetheart, could you help us? We are trying to find a fun place to get a drink." He said. I shrugged "Sorry but I can't help you with that, I don't drink or go out much, good luck!" I say. Before I could leave he pulled me back "Oh such an innocent girl. Would you like a sip?" He asks pushing a beer into my hands.

I shake my head and reject him "No thanks." I tell him and turn around to leave. When I turned around I bumped into one of the boy's chest. I look up at him "Could you please step aside?" I ask him. He chuckled before grabbing me tightly and turning me around. The boy who was holding a beer stepped closer to me "Come on, Beautiful, it's just one sip." He said. He pushed the can against my lips and tried to force it down my throat. I tried to fight them and I noticed a very familiar face "Shawn?" I say. Shawn stepped back pretending like he didn't know me. The boy who was standing in front of me chuckled "Do you know her?" He asks Shawn. Shawn shakes his head "I've seen her before but I don't know her." He said. I groaned and kicked the boy in front of me in the balls and freed myself. I ran as fast as I could. I continued running until I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Jake. 

I sigh in relief and wrap my arms around my boyfriend. He wraps his arms around me too "Hey." He said softly, "What are you doing out here at this time?" He asks. I was still panting from running but I could form proper sentences "I was walking home from Stephanie's place and...and these guys showed up and..Shawn was with them." I tell him. He brushes some hair out of my face "Love, calm down for a second, did they do something to you?" He asks worriedly. I wrapped my arms around his waist "They tried to make me drink alcohol and probably get me drunk." I tell him. That's when I saw the group of boys walking towards us. Jake holds me tightly "Stay behind me." He said. I nodded slowly and held onto him as tightly as I could. When the group stood right in front of us Shawn looked at us "What on earth are you doing, Shawn?" Jake asks him. Shawn shrugs "Just having a little fun with the guys." He said. Jake pushed me behind him "By trying to force alcohol down her throat? And you help her." He said.

Shawn stepped in front of us "Jake, you don't want to do this. They'll beat you and her up." He whispered. Jake chuckled "No they won't, you are going to tell them to stand down." He said. Shawn shook his head "No can do. Get out of here before I make you." He says. Jake doesn't move. Shawn chuckled and pushed him. Jake got something out of his pocket and there was a loud bang! Shawn fell on the floor and the other boys gasped before running away. Jake grabbed my hands and pulled me with him.

*Time Skip*

I was crying on his bed. I couldn't believe what he has done. He killed Shawn. He killed him to protect me. Jake sat behind me "I'm sorry Y/n." He said, "I did it to protect you, to protect us." He said. I looked at him "But taking someone's life-" I started. Jake cupped my face in his hand "He was going to take yours. You are the thing I love most, you could've died." He says. I looked at him confused "What?" I ask him. Jake runs his hand through my hair "Shawn and I are both parts of a gang. We are rivals. He was going to kill what I love most to break me...I couldn't let that happen." He tells me. I climb on top of his lap "Jake, I'm scared. What if someone finds out about tonight? What if someone comes here to kill me or you?" I ask him. He smiles weakly "I will do anything to protect you." He tells me. We cuddle on his bed for a while until I became tired. Jake tucked me into bed and kissed my forehead before changing his clothes and holding me tightly as I sleep.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now