-Thomas Sangster- •Cute Boyfriend•

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Thomas POV
"Mom, please put that away. I don't want you to embarrass me in front of Y/n." I tell my mother. She laughed "Why not? I showed her some pictures when she was here for the first time." She said. I run my hand through my hair "That was also very embarrassing, but I don't want you to embarrass me even more." I tell her.
She shrugged "I can do whatever I want, it's my house." She said. I sighed "Fine! Just don't show her my baby photos!" I said. Then the doorbell rang. I ran towards the door opening it "Hey." I smiled. She smiled and stepped inside "Hey, Tommy." She said.
I took her bags from her hands "I'll take these up to my room. My mom's in the living room, keep your distance." I whispered. She took off her shoes and jacket "I'll be fine." She said and walked off into the living room. I walked upstairs and put her bags on my bed.
I quickly head back downstairs 'cause I don't want to leave Y/n alone with my mom for too long.
When I walked into the living room I heard an 'Aww'. I looked up and saw Y/n looking down into the book filled with my baby pictures. I hid my face in my hands "Mom, what have you done? I thought I told you to not-" "Shush!" Y/n said.
My mother looked up at me "Honey, why don't you get us some drinks? Are you thirsty?" She asked Y/n. She nodded and stood up "I'll help you, Thomas." She said.
Together we walked into the kitchen "Honestly, why won't you let your mom show me those pictures? You're adorable!" She said. I glared at her "She's embarrassing me!" I complained.
Y/n giggled "You're cute when you're embarrassed." she said and kissed my cheek.
I pulled her back and pecked her lips "You're cute too." I tell her.
She smiled at me and pushed me off slightly "You're being a cheesy boyfriend again." She said.
I shrugged "What's the harm in that?" I asked her.
She brushed some hair out of my face "I didn't say I didn't like it." She said.

*Time Skip*

Your POV
Having a famous boyfriend isn't easy. Thomas and I sat in his room and we were doing a live stream on Instagram. He gets a lot of attention and people send some pretty rude questions sometimes. Thomas noticed and wraps his arms around me from behind "Ignore them, they're just jealous of us." he tells me. I shrugged "That's easier said than done." I tell him.
He glared at his phone and sat me on his lap "I want to ask everyone to listen to me for a second." He said. I looked at him "What are you doing?" I whispered
He smiled "Just listen. Alright, so you all know Y/n. Some of you are very supportive but some of you aren't. I wanted to tell you that being an actor
at my age isn't easy, luckily I have Y/n. Y/n has helped me through so much and I honestly wouldn't know what I would've done without her.
I get so sad when my fans write hate comments or
ask rude questions. I get it, you might not like her. I can't blame you, we all have some people in life that we don't like at all, but please don't make it such a big deal.
True fans will understand and respect my relationship with this beautiful girl. So please, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. Thank you." He said.
I was almost crying "Thank you, Tommy." I whispered and hugged him tightly.
He smiled at me and kissed my forehead "Anything for you." He whispered back.
I looked back at his phone and saw all kinds of nice comments.
I smiled at myself. After a while, Thomas ended the Live steam and we got comfy. Thomas slowly stroked my hair and cheek "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He asked me.
I giggled and nodded "Every day when you wake up and go to sleep." I tell him.
He smiled at me "Then tell me, how much do I love you?" He asked. I snuggled into his chest "You love me as much as there are stars in the universe, and you will until the last one dies." I say. He nodded and holds me tightly "You're right. I love you." He whispered.
I smiled and kissed him briefly "I love you too."

*Two Days Later*

Thomas POV
"Y/n, could you hurry up, please? We're going to be late for school." I said. My mother walked towards me "What's the hurry? You two have like an hour and a half before school starts." She said. I nodded "Yeah, so?" I asked her. She crossed her arms over her chest "Then why are you leaving this early?" She asked. I shrugged "Does it matter?" I asked her.
She opened her mouth, about to speak, when Y/n walked down the stairs.
My mouth dropped open, she was wearing my sweater! She walked towards me "You ready?" She asked. I nodded and wrapped my arm around her and leaned down to her ear "You're not trying to seduce the other guys in school right?" I asked her.
She shook her head "No, why?" She asked. I glanced down at the sweater "You look bloody amazing like that." I tell her. She blushed "Tommy, shut it." She said and turned to my mother "Thanks again for letting me stay here for the weekend, Mrs. Sangster." She said.
My mother smiled at her "Of course, Dear, but don't you two want to eat something before you leave? You've got plenty of time left." She said.
I shook my head and put my hands on Y/n's waist "No thanks, bye mom!" I said and pulled Y/n with me out of the house.
We sat in my car and Y/n looked at me "Don't you think it's kind of sad that we're leaving your mom all by herself?" Y/n asked me.
I shook my head "I love my mom, but I don't want her to embarrass me in front of you. Besides, we always get some breakfast together." I tell her.
She smiled sadly "I just feel kind of bad." She tells me. I kissed the top of her hand "Don't, please. By the way, where did you find that sweater?" I ask her.
She shrugged "Somewhere in the back of your sock draw." She said. I looked at her confused "Why were you looking there?" I ask her. She looked at me "Because you hide your sweaters from me." She said. I chuckled "What's left of them." I whispered.
I saw her glaring at me and folding her arms over her chest. I started the car "What? You steal them or use the puppy eyes so I will give them to you, I have like two sweaters left." I complained. She shrugged "So, what's the harm in that?" She said innocently.
I looked at her "Don't use the innocent baby girl act on me, Love." "I thought you gave them to me because you loved me. Don't you love me?" She asked sadly.
I bite my bottom lip slightly "Don't use the sad baby girl act on me either, you know I can't resist it." I said trying to focus on the road. But then her lip started to tremble.
I groan and pull over "Stop using the puppy eyes, you make me want to wrap you up in a blanket and hold you as tightly as I can." I tell her. She giggled and kissed me.
I smiled into the kiss and climbed into the backseat. Y/n giggled and climbed on top of my lap "You know what you would look even better in?" I asked her.
She shook her head "My bed." I smirked. Y/n blushed and giggled "Stop being so cute and cheesy!" She said.
I brushed some hair out of her face and pulled her closer "Can I kiss you again?" I asked her. She nodded and pressed her lips against mine "Don't we have to get breakfast?" She asked me. I smirked at her "I might have something else you can eat." I tell her.
She blushed bright red and I chuckled "I'm kidding, Love. We'll get some breakfast." I said and climbed back into the driver's seat.
Y/n sat next to me again "Can we go to Starbucks?" She asked sweetly. I smiled at her "Sure." I said, "But I want my white sweater back tomorrow." I tell her.
She nods "I promise!" She said and kissed my cheek.

A/n: I apologize for not updating for a while. I seriously couldn't come up with anything! My mind was blank, it scared me, because usually I have so many ideas for imagines. But I've just been staring at my screen for the past days. Anyways, I hope you still liked it!

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now