-Jojen Reed- •Little best friend•

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A/N: Just so everyone knows, there will be a character appearing in this story. This character belongs to EquineLilly who was kind enough to let me use her character. She's super nice and I suggest you check her out. Thanks again for letting me use this character, she might be appearing in other stories as well. Thank you! And do you guys want another Bad boy/girl story or should I wait a couple of days?

Jojen POV
I was woken up by a soft hand on my forehead "Jojen, time to wake up, sweetheart." My eyes flutter open revealing Y/n. I smiled "Y/n!" I sat up and hugged her tightly. Her hands ran through my hair "Good Morning, little prince." She said, "Did you sleep well?" She asked. I nodded hug my crocodile plushie "I had a dream about you and Joan!" I tell her. She smiled, "Joan huh?" She said. I nodded "She was doing her water tricks and you were watching her too." I told her. She helped me out of my bed "That sounds wonderful, speaking of Joan, she's coming over for a play date." Y/n told me. I smiled "Really? I missed her so much!" I tell her. She nods "I know that. Her whole family is coming over." She tells me. I heard my father call her from another room "Y/n! The Oceania's are here! Could you wake Jojen please?" "Of course, Sir!" She answered him. She helped me to get dressed and carried me downstairs to meet with my family.

I stood downstairs with my sister and father. I watched as Joan walked into the room with her father. I smiled and looked up at my father and he nodded. I smiled and ran towards her "Joan!" I say happily. We hug each other tightly "Hello Jojen." She said. That's when her sister joined us "Hugging your boyfriend again?" She teased. Joan looked down at her feet "He's not my boyfriend." She mumbled. I looked at my father "Father, could I please show Joan my toys?" I ask him. He smiles at us "Of course, Jojen." He tells us. I grab Joan's hand and drag her along with me. 

*Time Skip*

Joan and I were playing with my toys when the door opened. I looked up and her sister walked in "Having fun with your boyfriend?" She asked. Joan looked down at her lap. I stood up "Stop teasing her!" I tell her. She laughed and looked down "Why? She's stupid! And so are you." She said, "You two are just dumb kids who are in love!" She teased. I push her away "Stop! You're being mean!" I told her and hugged Joan. Her sister walked up to us "Aww, look at them, so cute!" She said. I glared at her "Y/n!!" I screamed. Y/n quickly ran into my room "What's wrong, Jojen?"  She asked. I pointed at Joan's sister "She's mean! She's teasing Joan and me." Y/n stepper forward and grabbed her by her arm "We are going to have a little chat." She told her and dragged her out. Joan looked at me "Thank you, Jojen." She said. I smiled back at her "Of course! I have something for you!" I tell her. I walk to my little desk and grab the two necklaces. One of them had a water symbol on a shell that symbolized her family. And one with a piece of leather and the lizard of my house. The lizard could hook the two necklaces together.

I handed one to her "I made it myself." I tell her. She smiled brightly "That's so sweet of you, it's beautiful, thank you Jojen." She said. I helped her to put it on and I also put on my own. I hooked our necklaces together "See? Best friends." I smile. She giggles and kisses my cheek "I love it." She says. I blush slightly "You kissed me." "Your cheek." She giggles.

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