-Thomas Sangster- •Something to tell you...•

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Thomas POV
I sat at the dinner table with my family. Y/n, my wife, looked at our oldest son "Did something interesting happen at school today?" She asked him sweetly. He shrugged, not saying anything. Y/n glances at me "What?" I whispered. I rolled my eyes and turned to my son "Did anything else happen. Weren't you going to hang out with your friends?" I asked him.
He shrugged again "Whatever." He whispered. I put my hand on his shoulder "Buddy, what's going on? You've been awfully quiet lately." I say. Peter slapped my hand off his shoulder "What does it matter?! You wouldn't care anyway! Just leave me alone!" He snapped.
He stood up from his chair and rushed upstairs. Our other son, Blake, looked up at Y/n "Mommy, why is Peter angry?" He asked her. She stroked his cheek "I don't know, Honey. Why don't you finish your dinner and watch some TV?" She said. He smiled and stuffed his mouth full of food and ran off. Y/n looked at me "We have to talk to Peter." She said.
I scratched the back of my neck "Maybe we shouldn't, he seems a little tense right now." I tell her. She sighs and bit her bottom lip slightly "We'll have to talk to him one day!" She said. I glared at her "Why don't you talk to him?" I asked her.
She crossed her arms over her chest "'Cause you're his father." She said. I stood up "Alright, I'll talk to him." I said. I kissed her forehead and walked upstairs to my son's room. I knocked on the door "Peter?" I said. I heard a groan "Go away!" He yelled.
I knocked again "Peter, can I come in? I want to talk to you." I said. "I said go away!" He yelled again. I tried to open the door, but he'd locked it. I sigh "Peter, open the door please." I said. He did not answer. I chuckled "Alright, ignore your poor old dad. I'll be out here waiting for you to open that door." I said. I heard a sigh and the door got unlocked.
I carefully opened the door and saw Peter flopping down on his bed. I walked in and closed the door behind me "Peter, what's wrong?" I asked him. He sighs "I'm just confused." He said. I sat on the edge of his bed "Confused about what?" I asked him. He puts his hands over his face "You wouldn't understand." He said.

"I can try." I tell him. He lied on his stomach "I don't know if I want to talk about it." He said. I put my hand on his head "I'm your father, you can tell me anything." I tell him. He started to tear up "I-I'm just...you might not understand and get angry." He said.
I smiled at him "You didn't kill anyone, right?" "No."
"Then I won't get angry." I tell him. He sighs and sits up straight "Dad...I think...I think I'm gay." He said. I took a deep breath "Okay, I did not expect that answer." I said quietly.
He flops back down on his stomach "I told you, you wouldn't understand!" He said. I rubbed his back "That's not what I meant. Tell me what happened." I tell him. "I was at Stan's house today, and I've noticed that I have had this strange feeling every time I'm around Dean. So today I told him about it and he kissed me." He mumbles, "And I liked it. I like him." He tells me.
I smiled at him "Are you two together?" I asked him. He looked down at his hands and blushed. I smiled "I'm happy for you, Pete. I'm glad you told me." I tell him.
He looks at me "S-So you're not mad at me?" He asked me. I shook my head and messed up his hair a little "Of course I'm not mad at you. I'm happy for you!" I tell him.
He smiled "So you're okay with me liking guys instead of girls?" He asked. I nodded "I am. I'm very proud of you. It was very brave of you to tell me. Just promise me one thing." I said. He nodded "Next time something like this happens, tell me or your mother. Don't try to cut us off because you're scared we'll be mad or won't understand. We're your parents and we're here to support and help you." I tell him.
He hugs me "Thanks Dad, and I promise I will tell you if something's wrong from now on." He said. I smiled at him "I love you, Pete." "I love you too, Dad." he said.

*Time Skip*

Y/n smiled at me "You're a great dad, you know that right?" She said. I hugged her "I just did what every good parent would do." I tell her. She looked down at Peter who was smiling while he was texting someone, "He seems very happy." She said.
I nod "I wonder if I still have to give the 'Dad talk' to his boyfriend. I've met that kid a thousand times!" I chuckled. Y/n laughed "I don't think you have to." She said, "I will." She said. My eyes widen "No no no no no, you are too soft to do that." I tell her.
She glared at me "I'm not!" She said. I rolled my eyes "Just don't scare them with your 'Mom talk'." I tell her. She glared at me "You're so annoying sometimes!" She said. I jumped on the couch next to Peter "You love me!" I said. I handed him one of the Xbox controllers "Wanna play a game?" I asked him. He typed really fast on his phone "One second, Dad." He said.
He puts his phone down "Is it okay if Dean comes over for dinner tomorrow?"He asked. I nodded "Of course! Don't forget to warn him about mom, she's going to give you the 'Dad/Mom talk'." I tell him. "I heard that!" Y/n said from the kitchen.
Peter chuckled "I will. Thanks Dad. Now, I will beat you at this game!" He said. I smirked "Game on!" I said

A/N: I thought this imagine was really cute! My book 'Purple' was kind of the reason I wrote this imagine. I hope you liked it!

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now