-Thomas Sangster- •Guy Friend•

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Your POV
"Morning, Love," Thomas said as I said down next to him. I groaned at him and rest my head on my arms "Someone's in a grumpy mood." He chuckled.
I groaned again "Tommy, I'm not in the mood for your morning happiness." I tell him. He puts his chin on the table and looks at me "What's wrong, Love?" He asked me. I shrugged "Noting." I say. He gives me the 'That's-not-true' glare. I sighed "Alright, Emma was
bugging me all night because her 'boyfriend' broke up with her. But I tried to tell her that it wasn't a real relationship because they have never seen each other
in real life. But she wouldn't believe me. She got mad at me and called Beverly, who then called me and-" I got cut off by Thomas covering my mouth. He smiled at me "I've heard enough. Why do you still hang out with them?" He asked me. I shrugged "I don't know." I sighed.
He reaches into his pocket "I got something for you that might cheer you up." He said. He holds up my necklace that I had lost a couple of weeks ago?
I gasped "Tommy, how did you- where did- h-how?" I stuttered. He smiled at me "Apparently Lizzy took it and hid it in her pillow, don't ask me how she did that." He said mentioning his kitten. I smiled "Oh that's okay. Thank you." I said. He puts it around
my neck and hugs me "Of course." He said. Then our teacher walked in "Alright class, let's get started!" He said. We started to take notes...well we tried. Thomas and I were just joking around and throwing paper and pens at each other.
Our teacher glared at us "Mr. Sangster, Ms. Y/l/n, is there something wrong?" He asks. Thomas shakes his head "No, sir." He said. The teacher continued talking. Thomas and I looked at each other, knowing that if we continued we would be in a lot of trouble. So we just giggled quietly and tried to behave ourselves.
Thomas then looked at me "Are you still up for that sleepover by the way?" He asked me. I nodded "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I asked him. He shrugged "Because your 'friends' kept you up all night, I thought you would be too tired to have your best friend over." He said. I chuckled and messed up his hair "No way." I said.
He glared at me "Why do you always have to mess up my hair?" He asked me. I shrugged "It looks better like this." I tell him. "No, it doesn't." He argued. "Yes, it does." I said. Someone cleared their throat "Mr. Sangster and Ms. Y/l/n, I don't like to repeat myself so maybe I should as the principal to tell you to not talk during my class!" he snapped at us. We both shook our heads and stayed quiet for the rest of his class.

*Time Skip*

"Come on guys, it's not funny!" I said trying to grab my backpack as Archie and his friends passed it to each other. I groaned as they made fun of me and my height. I wasn't the tallest person in school, and Archie liked to make fun of it.
Archie held it in his hand and his hand was high up in the air. I jumped trying to grab it but I couldn't. He smirked at me "How about a little kiss first?" He said. I glared at him "Archie you're not funny! Just give my bag back!" I tell him. He smirked at me
"Not until I get a kiss, cutie." He said. Archie has tried to kiss me multiple times now, I don't know what's wrong with that dude. "Archie, do I have to tell you again? I am not into you. Can you just give me my bag back? Please?" I ask him again.
He shakes his head "Not till I get a kiss, Sweetheart." He said. He then got shoved into the wall behind him "She said no." He said. I smiled a little as I saw Thomas. "Give me the bag." He said. Archie fearfully handed him my bag "Now you apologize."
Thomas said. Archie looked at me "I'm sorry, Y/n." He said. Thomas let go of him and walked towards me wrapping his arm around my shoulder
"If I catch you doing this again, I will break you! Got it? You've had plenty of warnings." Thomas said. Archie nodded and ran away with his friends. I looked up at Thomas "Thank you, Tommy." I said. He hugged me "Of course, only I get to make fun of your height." He said. I giggled and took my bag from his hands "Only you." I said.
He smiled at me "When should I pick you up by the way?" He asked me. I shrugged "I don't know, depends on if I'm going to have dinner at your place or mine." I tell him. He shrugs "I'm home alone, we can order pizza or sushi or something like that." He said. I nodded "I would love that! I need it!" I said making him chuckle.

*Time Skip*

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay? We could split." I suggest. Thomas chuckled and shook his head "It's fine, Love. Just enjoy it. Next time you pay." He said.
I nodded "I can live with that." I said. I grabbed a slice of pizza and rested my head on his shoulder "Can you start the episode please?" I said.
He chuckled "The pizza just came in." He said. I shrugged "No better time to start it." I said. He rolled his eyes at me and started the episode. Hold up!
"Thomas, we've already watched this." I tell him. He shrugged "So?" He asked me. I shrugged "Nothing I just thought we would continue with season five instead
of rewatching the crap season finale of season four." I sigh. He glared at me "It's not a crap season finale." He said. "It is!" "No, it isn't!" We argued for a while
until he started to tickle me. I laughed and giggled "Tommy, stop!" I giggled. "Not until you admit that it wasn't that bad." He said. I giggled "Alright, alright, it wasn't that bad. Please, I can't breathe, Tommy." I giggled. He laughed as well and released me
"Good girl." He said and continued watching the episode. I lied my head
on his shoulder again "You're so annoying sometimes." I said. He shrugged "Only I get to annoy you." He said.
I giggled and snuggled into his chest "Only you." I said.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now