-Thomas Sangster- •Nerd with a leather protection•

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Your POV
"Move!" I say. The students stood up from the table and ran away. I laugh and sit down "Sit down." I tell my friends. They sat down at the table and eat their lunch. I glance around the cafeteria as I take a bite of my apple. I saw the nerd standing on the other end of the cafeteria. I smiled slightly as I saw him. My eyes fall on a couple of football players walking towards him. I glare at them as they step closer to him. They laugh as they slam his tray of lunch out of his hands. The Nerd looks down at his shoes. I glance at my friends "I will be right back." I tell them. Kaya looks at me "Nerd duty again?" She asks. I nod and get up walking towards Thomas "Hey Dickheads!" I say. The football players eye me up and down "Hello pretty lady." One of them says. I groan and stand next to Thomas "Don't call me that, Drake." I tell him, "Apologize to the Nerd." I tell him. He chuckles "Now why would I do that?" He asks. I grab his collar and pull him closer "Apologize to the Nerd." "Or what?" "I don't think you want to know about all the horrible things I can do to you.

Pull out your fingernails, break your arms, maybe cut off a couple of toes, then I'll scoop your eyeballs out of your skull." I say. He looks at me scared and tries to free himself "Apologize." I say. He nods "S-sorry T-Thomas." He stutters. I let go of him and he and his friends take off. I turn to Thomas and grab another tray "You okay?" I ask him. He nods slowly "Thanks Y/n." He said. I push his glasses back on his nose "Come on, we kept a seat for you." I tell him. He smiled and walked along with me. We sat down at our table, a couple of his friends joining us at the table as well. Thomas and I have been best friends ever since we were little kids, he's a nerd and I'm a bad girl who protects him. "Y/n, you're the best. Like...I can't thank you enough." Thomas says quietly. I smile "Of course. I'll give you a hug later." I said. He smiles and sips his drink.

*Time Skip*

Thomas and I sat in the living room of his house watching a movie. There was a bowl of popcorn standing between us, so some times our hands touch. When they did they made us glance at each other and smiling and giggling. I noticed him texting someone and smiling in the process. I snatch the phone out of his hand "Who are you texting?" I ask him. He tries to take his phone back "Give it back!" He whines. I giggle and open his phone "Who's this? Are you replacing me? How rude!" I say jokingly. He takes his phone out of my hands "None of your business." He says. I pout "Aww, did I upset you?" I ask him and hug him "Did I? Huh? Are you replacing me? Huh?" I giggle. He chuckles and pushes me off "Just a girl that likes me..." He says quietly. I gasp "Aww! You have got yourself your first girlfriend!" I smile. He scratches the back of his neck "Not really." He says. I poke his cheek "Yeah sure! If I can do anything to help you impress her, let me know." I tell him. "Really?" He asks. I nod "Yeah, best friends since day one, will be till our last one." I remind him. He smiles and hugs me tightly "Thanks Y/n."

*A couple of days later*

I stood at my locker reading my notes one more time before the test. Someone ran up to me "Y/n!" I looked up and saw Thomas. He hid behind me "I didn't do anything, I swear!" He said. A guy walked into the hallway looking around and seeing Thomas. He points at him "You! You stupid nerd, kissing my Lil' sis now, are you?! You're dead!" He said. Before he could get close I side kicked him in his face making him fall onto the floor. I pin him to the floor "Touch him and you will lose your tongue." I tell him. He looks at me "Get off you stupid...shit." He said quietly. I smirk "Ah you've finally recognized me! Now fuck off!" I yell and get off him. He runs away as fast as he could. I turn to Thomas "You alright?" I ask him. He nods slowly "Remember that girl I was texting one day?" He asks. I nod closing my locker "Well I kind of agreed on dating her...but she's crazy! When we're doing our homework all she wants is to kiss me." he says. That's when a girl walked towards us. "Shit that's her. Help me." He whispers. I nod "Pin me to the lockers and kiss me." I whisper. His eyes open widely "What?" "Just do it!" I tell him.

He does as I told him and pins me to the lockers and kisses me. I kiss him back trying to make this as real as possible. I heard someone running away from us so I push him off "She's gone." I smile. He doesn't say anything "Thoma-" I was cut off by Thomas kissing me again. I was shocked but couldn't stop myself from kissing him back. He was cute...and I kind of liked it. I push him off "Why did you do that?" I ask him. He shrugs "I guess I thought it was the best way to tell you I love you." He says. I smile and hug him "You're so cute." I tell him. He blushes "Y-Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. I nod "Yes, Thomas, I would love to be your first girlfriend." I say mocking him slightly. He groans "Like you had so many boyfriends." He says. I laugh "True. Let's go, you need a wardrobe change." I tell him. He looks at me confused "Why?" He asks. I shrug "I just think you look cuter with a leather jacket." I tell him. He smiles "Alright, you know best." He said.

A/N: Hope you liked it because there are more bad boy/girl parts coming.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now