-Thomas Sangster- •Bully Bad Boy•

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Your POV
I opened my book and started reading. The rest of my classmates were sitting at multiple tables. I didn't think about joining them, I enjoy the silence. Although...my classmates weren't very quiet. Some chairs were pulled away from the table I was sitting on. Dylan O'Brien and Will Poulter sat down "Hey Nerd!" They say. I glance at the boys "What do you wan-" I started. I got cut off by someone grabbing my book out of my hands. I look behind me and see Thomas Sangster. I glare at him "Give that back." I tell him. He chuckles and reads out loud "He didn't know what was happening to him. Everything was black, no sign of light anywhere. He gave his life for hers...but was that really worth it?" He read. He glances down at me "That doesn't make any sense." He said.

I try to grab the book out of his hands "What does it matter? Just give it back." I tell him. He chuckles and holds up my book "Come and get it." he said. I jumped up trying to snatch the book from his hands but I was unsuccessful. He throws my book away and chuckles, "Such a small little Nerd." He said. I knelt down and picked up my book. When I looked up Thomas stood in front of me with a tray "T-Thomas...don't d-" I started, but before I could finish he dropped the tray on my head. I was covered in spaghetti and tomato sauce. Everyone in the cafeteria laughed. I put the book in my bag and run off to the bathrooms.

Thomas POV
After a couple of high-fives, I sat down on her chair. "Dude, that was awesome!" Dylan said. "Pretty cool, huh?" I said. I smiled to myself as I relived the moment over and over again. It made me feel a lot better, that look on her face, it made me happy.

 Your POV
I left the bathroom and went to my locker. I dropped off some of my books and replaced them with others. When I closed my locker, I was facing Thomas again. He smirked and wiper some tomato sauce off my blouse and licked it off his finger. "Sorry about that." He said innocently. I rolled my eyes at him, "Sure, Thomas." I said. I tried to leave but he pulled me back, "You're not going anywhere." He said. I pushed him off, "Keep your hands off me." I tell him, He smirked, "I never thought a nerd would be so feisty." He tells me. I rolled my eyes once again and opened my mouth "What do you want?" I ask him. He licked his bottom lip, "You're going to do my homework from now on." He said. I laugh "Not happening." I tell him. He smirks and grabs my neck squeezing it tightly "Oh, you thought you had a choice." he chuckled, "Thanks, Nerd." He said. He handed me his homework and left me alone again.

 *The Next Day*

 I walked through the school doors and went straight for my locker. I noticed shadows on the floor next to my own. Suddenly, I felt an arm around my shoulder "Got my homework?" He asked. I sigh and hand him his homework. He smiles "Thank you." he said, "Oh, and I've got some more for you to do. Plus, my friends need a day off too." He said. My eyes open widely "What? No! I am not doing this again! I'm not your slave!" I tell him. He puts his finger over my lips "Nerds are quiet, they only speak when they're asked to." He said and walked away. I walk to my locker and open it. I grab my book and open it, reading a couple of pages before shoving it into my bag. 

I stepped into the classroom and sat down in my seat. Sadly Thomas sat next to me in almost every class. Probably to copy my answers and notes. I am so done with him! "Alright class, may I have your attention please?" My teacher said. I shrugged and opened my notebook taking notes. I felt Thomas's eyes glued to my hands as I write. I glance at him "What?" I whisper. He shrugs "What?" He said with a smirk. "Mr. Sangster! Is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class?" My teacher asked. Thomas shook his head "No sir." He said. My teacher continued his story. Thomas kept looking at me. I look at him "What do you want?" I ask him. He hands me a piece of paper. I slowly open it 'Keep writing, you'll need it for future homework.' I groaned as I read it throwing it at his head. He gasped and threw it back at me. "Mr. Sangster! That's detention!" My teacher yelled. Thomas holds up his hands "What the fuck?! She started throwing it!" He yells. My teacher crosses his arms over his chest "A week of detention for you mister!" "For what?!" "Telling lies!" My teacher said. Thomas groaned and gave me a dirty glare... shit.

A/N: Part Two will come!

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now