-Thomas Sangster- •Drama Classes•

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A/n: This imagine was requested by Msvikings78. I hope you liked it!

Your POV
"Alright class, could you stand up please?" My teacher said. We all stood up and stood in a circle. We didn't have a lot of people in our class, so it was a very small circle. My teacher joined us "Does everyone remember the news I told you last week? About the interns?" She asked.
We all nodded, "Well, they are with us today,
they should be here any second.
Now, I want all of you to be nice and help them as this is their first time here." She said and looked at me, "Y/n, I'm sure you wouldn't mind helping the interns?" She said.
I sighed, why do I always have to help everyone?
I nodded "Of course, I would love to." I said sarcastically. Ms. Woodland glared at me and folded her arms over her chest "Fine." I sighed.
The door on my left opened and saw seven people walk inside.
Two girls and five guys. I was actually really surprised. I had expected fewer interns.
This is going to be tough. Once again, why do I have to do it? Ms. Woodland gave them a whole pep talk and introduced them to all of us. As my teacher
helped the other students
I was left with the interns. I sighed loudly "Alright, does any of you
have any experience with acting?" I asked them. No one answered. I sighed again "Does any of you have a tongue?" I asked them. One of them finally spoke up "I have played in a school play before
when I was six years old." He said. I nodded "That's good! Anyone else?" I asked. Still, no one answered. I rolled my eyes at them "This is tougher than solving the maze, honestly." I said quietly. I walked off towards my teacher "I can't work wit
 these Slintheads." I tell her.
She looks at me "Be patient. Teach them what you've learned." She tells me,
"I'll allow you to read the maze runner when they leave." She said. I sighed "Deal." I said and walked back to the interns "Alright, let's get started!" I said.

*Time Skip*

I stood on stage with some of the interns. I don't know what's going on with me lately, but for the past few weeks, I've been crushing on this guy. He looks so much like my celebrity crush Thomas Brodie Sangster! Ar first, I hated him.
Now, I can't even read my lines properly without blushing. I also noticed him looking at me sometimes. Does he like me back? I stood next to the guy and
I just wasn't able to do it. I was stuttering and forgetting my lines. This has never happened to me before, this is so embarrassing! "I-I don't c-care about her. I care a-about y-yo- I can't do this." I said. Ms. Woodland groaned loudly and stood up from her chair
"Y/n, what is wrong with you? You used to be my best student and now you can't even read your lines!" She said. I sighed "I'm sorry, Ms. Woodland." I said. The guy walked up to me
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. He was so close. That's when I saw it! I gasped and pushed him off "Y-You...you are...Thomas...Thomas Brodie Sangster." I whispered.
He sighs and took off his cap "You caught me." He said. I freaked out, what was I supposed to do?! I ran off the stage, I heard him following behind me. I felt him grab my hand "Y/n please, let me explain." He said. I couldn't speak! It was like the words were forced to not be spoken. He holds both of my hands "Ms. Woodland contacted us.
She told us you were a major fan of the Maze Runner and she asked us to surprise you." He explained. I raised my eyebrow "Us?" I asked. Then the others walked in "She figured out." He tells them. I looked at them and saw them taking off their hats, sunglasses,
and scarfs. Dylan, Kaya, Will, Rosa, Ki-Hong, and Dexter stood in front of me. I looked back at Thomas and back at the cast "I think I'm going to faint." I said. Thomas smiled
at me and put his hand on my lower back and waist "I'll catch you, but before you do, I have a question." He said. I just looked at him "Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked.
I nodded rapidly before I started to get dizzy. Thomas just smiled at me "Don't worry, I'll take care of you, Love." he said. Then I fainted...but to be honest, can you blame me?
--End of Flashback--

"And that's how Mommy and Daddy met." I tell Oliver and Emma. They smiled at me "That's romantic, Mommy! Almost like something out of a fairy tale!" Emma said. Oliver shoved his sister slightly "No, it's not!" "Yes, it is!" "No, it's not!" They started to fight.
I pulled them apart "Kids, don't fight!" I said. I looked up and saw Thomas walking out of the kitchen with the twins in his arms "Mommy, they're tired." He said and handed me my babies. I smiled "Thank you. Why don't you take the kids outside to play?
The twins will have to go to bed soon." I tell Thomas. He nodded and took the kids outside. I lied the twins in their cribs in the living room. I smiled and tucked them in. Then I felt something press against me from behind. I felt a smirk against my neck "Did I ever tell you that you were really cute the day I met you?" He asked me. I nodded "You've said that
multiple times." I said. He smiled and pressed soft kisses against my neck "Do you ever imagine what life would've been like if Ms. Woodland never contacted me?" He asked. I shrugged "Sometimes. All I know is that these babies wouldn't even exist." I said and looked down at the twins. He smiled "They look like you." He said. I smiled back at him "Maddie does but Charlie doesn't." I tell him. He chuckled "He will be a man like his father!" He said proudly.
I turned around and glared at him "You still look like a teenager. I really hope our son does not look like a teenager when he's your age." I tell him. He gasped "How rude." He said. I giggled "Let's go outside before those two destroy our garden." I said.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now