-Jake Murray- •Mom found out•

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Jake POV
I lied in my bed snuggling with my girlfriend. She was lying with her head on my pillow and her hands underneath it. I had my arms wrapped tightly around her. It was so peaceful! But that peace was disturbed by footsteps coming up the stairs.
I shot up and started to wake Y/n "Baby, baby, wake up!" I whisper yelled at her. She groaned "Jake, shut your hole." She said. I jumped up from my bed "Baby, my mom's coming! Get under the bed!" I whispered. She quickly shot up and slid underneath the bed with her clothes and shoes. I jumped back onto my bed and pretended to be asleep.
My bedroom door opened and my mother walked inside. She started to wake me up "Jake, breakfast is ready." She said. I groaned and hugged my pillow tighter "Five more minutes." I tell her. She kissed my head and walked out again. Y/n crawled out from underneath my bed. She jumped on top of me and hugged me "I'm still sleepy." She said.
I smiled "I know, baby, but you have to leave before your dad starts to wonder where you are." I tell her. She changed her clothes and puts her PJs into her bag "Love you." She said. I kissed her "Love you too. Text me when you get home, please." I tell her. She smiled and nodded before climbing out of my window.
I lied on my back and rubbed my chin a little before I jumped off my bed. I put on my clothes and rush downstairs. I kissed my mother's and grandmother's cheek before I sat down on my chair. My mother smiled at me "You seem very happy today." she said. I nodded "Yeah, I had a very goodnight's sleep." I said.

*Time Skip*

"Jake? What are you doing here?" She whispered. I smirked and pushed her gently against the wall "I missed you." I tell her. She pushed me off "You have to leave." She said. I smirked, "Why?" I asked and tried to kiss her.
She moved her face away just in time "Jake-" "Y/n? Where are you?" A low male voice sounded. I glance over my shoulder I see her father.
I turned back to Y/n, "Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered. She glared at me "I tried, but you kept pushing and kissing." She said. "Y/n? Is that you there?"
"I have to run." I tell her. She nodded and pushed me off "Go!" She said. I started to run as fast as I could. I hit in the bushes of her garden. I saw her talking to her dad. Pfew, I made that just in time. I don't know what would've happened if he'd found out.

Your POV
"I'm here." I said and stepped out of the shadows. My father smiled at me "Where were you?" He asked. I shrugged "I was just out here, catching some air." I tell him.
He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder "Let's go back inside, it's getting kind of chilly out here. Don't want you to get sick, now do we?" He said.
I shook my head and followed him inside. I glanced over my shoulder to see Jake running out of my garden. I giggled and shook my head "Silly boy." I whispered.
My father looked at me "What did you say?" He asked. I just smiled "Nothing, Dad, I thought I heard some noise. I think it was the neighbor's dog." I tell him.
He nodded "Alright." He said. Pfew, just imagine what would've happened if he'd found out.

*Time Skip*

Jake POV
"What is this?" My mother asked and showed me my phone. She showed me the texts of me and Y/n. I got out of the shower "Nothing! She's just a friend." I said and wrapped a towel around my waist. She crossed her arms over her chest "Friends don't text each other like that, Jake! Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?" She asked me.
I shrugged "I didn't know how you would react. And I don't want to die." I tell her. She raised her eyebrow "Die?" "Yeah! Her dad will kill me!" I said.
She chuckled "No, he won't. He might be a little angry, but he will accept the fact that his little girl is growing up." She said. I shook my head "No. Y/n is daddy's little girl. Mom, please don't tell anyone." I beg her. She sighs "Fine." She said, "But you will have to tell her father soon. The longer you wait, the worse his reaction will be." she said.
I nodded "Yes, mom." I said. "And I want to meet her." She said. I looked up at her "You're not going to. You'll embarrass me! I don't want her to make fun of me." I tell her. She shrugged "It's either that, or I'll tell her father." She said. I sighed "Okay." I said.
I walked into my room "How long have you two actually been together?" She asked me. I shrugged "Two and a half years." I tell her. Her eyes widen "What?!"
"Yeah." I said. I wasn't going to tell her about Y/n staying over at night. I don't want this to get even more awkward. I grabbed my phone out of her hands and texted Y/n.

She found out! She
wants to meet you

Oh no! How did she
find out?

She checked my phone!

Why does she do that?


*Sighs* Alright. I'll
come over

Okay. Love you!

Love you too

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