-Jojen Reed- •I love her•

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Jojen POV
I put my head in the crook of her neck "Love?" I said. She turned around to face me "What's up?" She said with her eyes closed. I smiled at her "Just wanted to see if you're awake." I tell her. There was a knock on my door. I sat up straight in my bed "Come in!" I said. The door opened and Meera walked in "Good, you're awake. Father said he wanted to speak with you about you and your girlfriend over there." She said.
I groan "Again? I told him that I don't want to talk about this anymore." I tell her. She shrugs "I didn't make the rules. Father wants to talk to you. Now." She said. I sigh "Tell him I'll meet him in the afternoon." I tell her.
She shrugged and left the room closing the door behind her.
Y/n turned to me and lied her head on my bare chest. I stroked her hair "I love you." I tell her. She smiled against my chest "I love you too, Jojen. Can we stay in bed for a little longer?" She asked me.
I nodded "Of course. You know, I really like the sight of you lying on my chest." I tell her. She opened her eyes and looked at me "And I like the sight of you with messy hair." She said. I pulled the covers over us "I love you so much." I tell her.

*Time Skip*

I walked into the dining room. My father sat in his big chair "Look who finally decided to show up. Did you enjoy your snuggles with your little princess?" He asked me. I sigh and sat down on my chair next to him "What is it father? Are you going to tell me how you want me to knock Y/n up? Were trying, father. But I want you to understand that I won't force myself onto her, she's not an object." I tell him.
He chuckled "Girls are just there to give us the sons we need to lead our kingdoms, my son." He said. I glare at him "Which makes them just as important as us as leaders. I love Y/n, father, and I will never hurt her." I tell him. He slams his hand onto the table "You will if you have to!" He yelled. "Father-" "Excuse me, sir, but I have have some news you might like." Y/n said as she walked into the room.
I turned to her "Love, you-" "Not now, Jojen. Sir, I wanted to tell you that I'm late." Y/n said. My eyes widen "What?" My father and I said at the same time. She smiled "I'm probably pregnant. So can you two please stop arguing?" She asked. My father smiled "Of course, dear. You did well Jojen. I'm proud of you." He said.
I pulled Y/n along with me out of the room "What are you saying? I thought-" "I lied. Okay? I just wanted you two to stop fighting." She said. I smiled at her "But now he thinks you're pregnant and you're not. You were still bleeding last week." I tell her. She smiled at me "At least he stopped yelling at you." She said. I smiled and brushed some hair out of her face "I love you! So much!" I said and kissed her.

A/n: to be honest I did not know what to write. I hope you liked it

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