-Jojen Reed- •Bleeding•

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Your POV
I woke up with horrible pains in my stomach. I groan and hold my stomach. "What's wrong, Love?" Jojen whispered. I groaned again. "It hurts." I said.
Jojen shot up and checked all over my body. "What's wrong?" He asked me again. I point at my stomach.
"It hurts." I said. He pulled the covers off my body. "Don't freak out." He said. I knew what was wrong with me.
I started to cry. Jojen pulled me into his chest and holds me tightly.
"Don't cry." He whispered. "How can I not? Jojen, they waited for me to bleed for the first time, now I have to get married." I sobbed. Jojen strokes my hair slowly. "I won't let that happen." He tells me.
Jojen and I have been in love for over three years now. I love him and he loves me. He treats me like I'm his wife. But my parents don't know about our relationship. They think were just close friends. They wanted to wait until I bled for the first time before they give me to young Grayson.
He's the son of the King of the kingdom next to ours. A very powerful kingdom. They want me to marry him, but they don't understand.
I love Jojen, and only him. "Love, I won't let them take you away from me." Jojen said. I looked up at him. "How?" I asked him. "We just pretend it didn't happen." He said. I sighed loudly.
"Jojen, we can't fake it forever." I said. He strokes my cheek and smiles at me. "I will for as long as I have to.I won't be able to live without you. You're the love of my life and they won't take you away from me. I love you." He said.
I smiled at him. "I love you too, Jojen. We have to get rid of the sheets and my clothes." I tell him. He nodded and picked me up from the bed.
He sat me down on a chair and pulled the sheets off his bed. He called for a maid to help him.
When she walked in, her eyes widened at the sight of the blood.
"Don't tell anyone. I will pay you extra and give you days off, just don't tell anyone." He said to her. She nodded and took the sheets from his hands. Jojen walked towards me and pulled my nightgown off my body.
"Thank you." He said as he handed that to the maid as well.
She nodded and left the room for a second before returning. "Should I run you a bath?" She asked. Jojen nodded.
"Please." He said. Luckily I was wearing something underneath my nightgown so was slightly covered
Jojen took my hand in his. "Come on." He said and pulled me into the bathroom.

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